A good answer might be:

This la translates into a lui followed by a ori (just as we previously did by hand).

SPIM Example

Here is a SPIM example using la. To run it in SPIM, first look in the settings menu and check "allow pseudo instructions" and remove the check from "bare machine".

## addEm.asm
## program to add two integers
        .globl  main

        la    $t0,val2     #  put a 32-bit address into $t0
        lw    $t1,0($t0)   #  load first value, 2
        lw    $t2,4($t0)   #  load second value, 3
        addu  $t1,$t1,$t2  #  calc. sum

val0:   .word   0 
val1:   .word   1 
val2:   .word   2 
val3:   .word   3 
val4:   .word   4 
val5:   .word   5 

## end of addEm.asm

Execute the program by pushing F10 for each machine instruction.


(Trick Question:) How many times will F10 be pushed?