A good answer might be:

Yes: a base register contains an address. Also a pointer register (such as used with arrays and strings) contains an address.

Registers with Addresses

The past chapters have put addresses in base registers. This was done with code similar to the following:

main:                        #  Load the address of val2 into the base register
        lui   $10,0x1000     #  top half
        ori   $10,$10,0x0008 #  bottom half
        lw    $11,0($10)     #  Load contents of memory at the address

        . . . 

val0:   .word   0 
val1:   .word   1 
val2:   .word   2           # base register $10 points at "2"
val3:   .word   3 
val4:   .word   4 
val5:   .word   5 


Is there something awkward about this code?