A good answer might be:


String Length

The length of a null-terminated string is defined as the number of characters it contains not counting the null. To calculate length, start the count at zero. Then increment the count for each successive non-null byte. When you hit the null, stop counting.

The structured flow chart shows this procedure. It describes the algorithm in general terms. Assembly language details are left to the coding stage. Here is an outline of the program:

## strlen.asm
## Count the characters in a string
## Registers:
## $8 --- count

        .globl  main
# Initialize
main:   ori     $8,$0,0         #  count = 0

# while not ch==null do
         j    loop
# finish
done:   sll   $0,$0,0           # target for branch

string: .asciiz  "Time is the ghost of space."

## End of file


Why is the null not counted in the length of a string? (Hint: think about what happens when two strings are concatenated.)