created 06/29/2003

Chapter 19 Programming Exercises

For these programming exercises, use only those instructions that have been discussed so far in these notes:

add div mflo slt, slti
addi divu mult sltu, sltiu
addiu j multu sra
addu lb nor srl
and lbu or sub
andi lh ori subu
beq lhu sb sw
bgez lui sh xor
bltz lw sll xori
bne mfhi    

In the Settings menu of SPIM set Bare Machine ON, Allow Pseudo Instructions OFF, Load Trap File OFF, Delayed Branches ON, Delayed Loads ON, Mapped IO OFF, Quiet OFF.

Run the programs by setting the value of the PC to 0x400000 and then single stepping (pushing F10) or by multiple stepping (push F11 and enter a number of steps). Observing the results in the SPIM window.

*Exercise 1 -- Sequential Memory Locations

Write a program that stores the number 0 in the first four bytes of the .data section, then stores the number 1 in the next four bytes, then stores the number 2 in the four bytes after that and so on. Do this for numbers 0 through 24.

Of course you will do this in a counting loop. The address in the data section is contained in a base register. Increment the base register each time a number is stored.

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***Exercise 2 -- Perfect Number Verifier

A perfect number is an integer whose integer divisors sum up to the number. For example, 6 is perfect because 6 is divided by 1, 2, and 3 and 6 = 1 + 2 + 3. Other perfect numbers are 28 and 496.

Write a program that determines if an integer stored in memory is a perfect number. Set a location in memory to 1 if the number is perfect, to 0 if not.

It would be enormously helpful to first do this by hand with a couple of examples. Then draw a flowchard. Check the flowchart by following it with a few examples. Then write the program.

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****Exercise 3 -- Perfect Number Searcher

This exercise continues exercise 2.

Write a program that searches for perfect numbers. It has an outer loop that counts upward from two to some limit. Each number is tested (as above) to see if it is a perfect number. If it is a perfect number it is stored at a memory location. Store perfect numbers at successive full-word memory locations. Look at exercise 1 for a way to do this.

Again, to save time and effort, create a flowchart first.

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End of Exercises