A good answer might be:

See Below

More Blanks

The immediate operand used in the set instruction is changed to 56 to implement "less than or equal". Notice that the assembly language uses decimal numbers for temperatures. This is fine. The assembler translates the decimal representation of the source file into the correct bit pattern for the machine instruction.

The next part of the program tests if temp is less than 30. Be careful with the branch instruction so that it branches for the correct condition.

## tempRange.asm
## Check that   30 <= temp <= 55
## Set flag to 1 if in range, to 0 if out of range
## Registers:
## $2 --- temperature
## $3 --- in/out range indicator flag
## $8 --- scratch

      .globl  main
# Set range indicator to 1
main:   ori     $3,$0,1         #  set to 1

# Test  30 <= temp <= 55
        sltiu   $8,$2,56        #  $8=1 if temp <= 55
        beq     $8,$0,out       #  0? out of range
        sll     $0,$0,0         #  delay

        sltiu   $8,$2,_____     #  $8=1 if  temp < 30
        beq     $8,$0,_____     #  0? in range
        sll     $0,$0,0         #  delay

# Out of Range: set range indicator to 0
        ori     $3,____,____    #  set to 0

cont:   sll     $0,$0,0         #  target for the jump

## End of file


Fill in the blanks.