A good answer might be:

if ( !( a < 0 ) ) { ... } 

if ( a >= 0  ) { ... }

The two operators   <   and   >=   cover all possible integer values.

Set on Less Than

The set instructions are used to implement relational operators. However, they do not in themselves alter the flow of control. They set a register to 1 or 0 to show the relation between two values. The slt instruction is used with two's complement integers:

                   #  $s and $t contain
                   #  two's comp. integers
slt   d,s,t        #  if ( $s < $t )
                   #    d <-- 1
                   #  else
                   #    d <-- 0

The sltu instruction is used with unsigned integers:

                   #  $s and $t contain
                   #  unsigned integers
sltu  d,s,t        #  if ( $s < $t )
                   #    d <-- 1
                   #  else
                   #    d <-- 0


Could these instructions be used with character data?