int j;
j = 0;
while ( j < 10 )
    . . .
    j++ ;

A good answer might be:

The loop is correct. (Although j changes to 10 at the bottom of the last iteration, this is the normal way for loops to work).

Assembly Language Loop

Here is an assembly version of the counting loop, without the branch delay slots filled:

#  branch delay slots not filled
init:   ori    $8,$0,0        # count = 0

test:   sltiu  $9,$8,10       # count < 10
        beq    $9,$0,endLp

        . . .                 # do stuff

        addiu  $8,$8,1        # count++ ;
        j      test

endLp:  sll    $0,$0,0        # branch target



Find and fill in the branch delay slots.