A good answer might be:

(details omitted)
PC just after this
instruction has executed
(at the bottom of the cycle)
.......................... 00450000
00450000 load 00450004
00450004 load 00450008
00450008 add 0045000C
0045000C store 00450010
00450010 jump 0x00450000 00450014
00450014 no-op 00450000

The Jump Instruction

In our schematic programs, the "jump" instruction gave a 32-bit address that goes into the PC.

How does a 32-bit instruction specify a 32-bit address? Some of the instruction's bits must be used for the op-code. Here is the assembly language version of the jump instruction.

j    target     # after a delay of one machine cycle,
                # PC  <-- address of target

Here is the machine language form of the instruction:

   6              26
000010 00000000000000000000000000    -- fields of the instructuion

opcode         target                -- meaning of the fields

There is room in the instruction for a 26-bit address. The 26-bit target address field is transformed into a 32-bit address. Here is how this is done:

Instructions always start on an address that is a multiple of four (they are word-aligned). So the low order two bits of a 32-bit instruction address are always "00". Shifting the 26-bit target left two places results in a 28-bit word-aligned address. Now the high-order four bits in the PC are concatenated to the high-order end of the 28-bit address to form a 32-bit address.


While this is going on, what instruction's address is in the PC?