A good answer might be:

See below.

Complete Program

Here is the complete program. You may wish to copy it to the clipboard and paste it into your text editor. Now you can save it to a file and run it with SPIM.

## poly.asm -- complete program
## evaluate  5x^2 -12x + 97 
## Register Use:
## $10 base register, address of x
## $11 x
## $12 value of the polynomial
## $13 temporary

        .globl  main

        lui   $10,0x1000     #  Init base register
        lw    $11,0($10)     #  Load x

        ori   $12,$0,97      #  Initialize the accumulator
                             #  during the "load delay slot"

        ori   $13,$0,12      #  evaluate second term
        mult  $11,$13        #  12x
        mflo  $13            #  assume 32 bit result
        subu  $12,$12,$13    #  accumulator = -12x +97

                             #  evaluate third term
        mult  $11,$11        #  x^2
        mflo  $11            #  assume 32 bit result
        ori   $13,$0,5       #  5
        mult  $11,$13        #  5x^2
        mflo  $13            #
        addu  $12,$12,$13    #  accumulator = 5x^2-12x+97

        sw    $12,4($10)     #  Store result in poly

x:      .word   17           #  Edit this line to change the value of x
poly:   .word   0            #  Result is placed here.

## End of file

Of course, the program should be tested with a careful selection of values for x. A production quality program would document the upper and lower bounds for x.


Suggest three values for x for use in testing.