A good answer might be:

All blanks filled, as below:

Third Term

At this point all we need to do is square x, multiply by five, and add the result to the accumulator. After squaring x we don't need its value anymore, so x^2 can be put back into register $11.

## poly.asm  
## evaluate  5x^2 -12x + 97 
## Register Use:
## $10 base register, address of x
## $11 x
## $12 value of the polynomial
## $13 temporary

        .globl  main

        lui   $10,0x1000     #  Init base register
        lw    $11,0($10)     #  Load x

        ori   $12,$0,97      #  Initialize the accumulator
                             #  during the "load delay slot"

        ori   $13,$0,12      #  evaluate second term
        mult  $11,$13        #  12x
        mflo  $13            #  assume 32 bit result
        subu  $12,$12,$13    #  accumulator = -12x +97

                             #  evaluate third term
        mult  $__,$__        #  x^2
        mflo  $__            #  assume 32 bit result

        . . . more instructions

        sw    $12,4($10)     #  Store result in poly

x:      .word   17           #  base register points here
poly:   .word   0

## End of file


Fill in the blanks.