A good answer might be:

How many lw instructions will be needed?

One, near the start of the program to load x into a register.

How many sw instructions will be needed?

One, near the end of the program to save the result in poly.

Symbolic Address

In the description of this problem, memory locations are called x and poly. Of course, at run time, addresses are 32-bit integers. But in assembly language it is convenient to use names for memory locations. These names are called symbolic addresses. One of the most important features of an assembler is support for symbolic addresses. In the following example we will ignore some of this support in favor of explaining how the hardware instructions work. Here is a start on the program:

## poly.asm
## evaluate  5x^2 -12x + 97 

        .globl  main


        . . . . many instructions

                             # In SPIM, the data section
                             # starts at address 0x10000000
x:      .word   17           # The base register points here.
poly:   .word   0

## End of file

The assembler directive .data means: "here is the start of the data section of memory". The assembler directive .word means: "put a 32-bit two's complement integer here". The integer is specified using base 10 (by default).

In the above, the ".word 17" calls for a 32-bit two's complement representation of an integer that in base 10 is "17". The assembler converts the representation into the appropriate bit pattern.

You can also specify the bit pattern using the hexadecimal name for the pattern. ".word 0x11" does exactly the same thing as ".word 17".


The assembler in SPIM automatically assembles the .data section starting at address 0x10000000.

  1. What address corresponds to the symbolic address x?
  2. What address corresponds to the symbolic address poly?