A good answer might be:

mflo $8

The instructions mflo and mfhi are used to get the results of an integer divide.

Example Program

For this example say that we wish to calculate (y + x) / (y - x). The argument x is in $8; y is in $9. The quotient is to be placed in $10 and the remainder in $11. Assume two's complement integers. Here is the program. Sadly, it has some holes:

## divEg.asm
## Program to calculate (y + x) / (y - x)
## Register Use:
##  $8   x
##  $9   y
##  $10  x/y
##  $11  x%y

        .globl  main

        ___      $8,   $0,  8         # put x into $8
        ___      $9,   $0, 36         # put y into $9
        addu     $10,  $__, $__       # $10  <-- (y+x)
        subu     $11,  $__, $__       # $11  <-- (y-x)
        div      $__,  $__            # hilo <-- (y+x)/(y-x)
        ____     $10                  # $10  <-- quotient
        ____     $11                  # $11  <-- remainder

## End of file


Fill in the holes.