A good answer might be:

 1              0             1
 0              1             1
 1              0             0
---            ---           ---
10             01            10

N-bit Binary Addition Algorithm

Adding a column of bits is as easy as counting. It is also easy to do electronically. When you take a course in digital logic you will probably build a circuit to do it.

Now let us look at the full, n-bit, binary addition algorithm. The algorithm takes two operands and produces one result. An operand is the data that an algorithm operates on.

To add two N-bit (representations of) integers: Proceed from right-to-left, column-by-column, until you reach the leftmost column. For each column, perform 1-bit addition. Write the carry-out of each column above the column to its left. The bit is the left column's carry-in.

            0        10       110       0110
0110      0110      0110      0110       0110
0111  ==> 0111  ==> 0111  ==> 0111  ==>  0111
----      ----      ----      ----       ----
             1        01       101       1101


Confirm that this addition is correct. (1) Check that the binary addition algorithm was performed correctly, then (2) translate the operands into decimal, and then (3) perform the addition in decimal.

0110   =   _____10 
0111   =   _____10 
----       -----
1101   =   _____10