A good answer might be:


The Sign of the Four Bits

Be Certain of this: it is by happy coincidence that the high order bit of a two's comp. integer is 0 for positive and 1 for negative. But, to create the two's comp. repn of the negative of a number you must "reflect, add one". Changing the sign bit by itself will not work.

To convert N bits of two's complement representation into decimal representation:

  1. If the integer is negative, complement it to get a positive integer.
  2. Convert (positive) integer to decimal (as usual).
  3. If the integer was originally negative, put "-" in front of the decimal.

The number repd by 1001 is negative (since the "sign bit" is one), so complement:

 1001   0110 + 1   0111

Convert the result to decimal:  0111 = 710.  Add a negative sign:   -710.  So (in 4-bit two's comp. repn) 1001 represents -710.


What is the decimal repn of this 8-bit two's complement integer: 1001 1111