A good answer might be:

The positive integer: 0000 0110     ( 610 )

Reflect each bit:     1111 1001

Add one:              1111 1010     ( -610 )

Negative Six Again

This resulted in the same repn for minus six as we figured out before. Here is what is going on: When each bit of a pattern is reflected then the two patterns added together make all 1's. This works for all patterns:

      0110 1010   pattern
      1001 0101   pattern reflected
      1111 1111   all columns filled

Adding one to this pattern creates a pattern of all zero's:

     11111 111    row of carry bits
      1111 1111   all columns filled
      0000 0001   one
      0000 0000

But instead, the one is added to the "pattern reflected."

pattern +  pattern reflected               = all ones

pattern +  pattern reflected + one         = all zeros

pattern + (pattern reflected + one )       = all zeros

pattern + (two's complement of pattern)    = all zeros

Don't be too upset if the above is confusing. Mostly all you need is to get used to this stuff. Of course, this takes practice.


What is the two's complement of 0100 0111?