A good answer might be:

!$@# = ! × (!@)$ + $ × (!@)# + @ × (!@)! + # × (!@)@
  = 1 × 43 + 3 × 42 + 0 × 41 + 2 × 40
  = 1 × 64 + 3 × 16 + 0 × 4 + 2 × 1
  = 64 + 48 + 0 + 2
  = 114

Bit Patterns

Bit patterns ... 10110110110 ... are sloppily called "binary numbers" even when they represent other things (such as characters or machine instructions). But soon we shall use bit patterns to represent numbers.

Consider base two.


Fill in the blanks in the rules for binary positional notation:

  1. The base is _______.
  2. There are _______ "digits": ____, ____.
  3. Positions correspond to integer powers of ____, starting with power ____ at the rightmost digit, and increasing right to left.
  4. The digit placed at a position shows how many times that power of ____is included in the number.