Writing 101 Discussion Questions

The purpose of this assignment is to give you some practice with critical reading with others in your class.  On your day, you will bring in 2-3 questions that we can use as a start to the discussion of the reading. These questions should not be yes/no questions, but questions designed to spur discussion. I'll certainly be happy to meet with you beforehand to discuss your questions. 

I would like to try to give you readings you would be interested in, so on Monday, September 5, I'm going to ask that you turn in your top three choices from the following articles. They are in the order in which they appear on the calendar.  On Monday, I just need a piece of paper with your name, and 1) Article, 2) Article, 3) Article. I'll try to give you one of those choices.  If I do not receive the choices on that date, I will assign an article.

Here are the options:

Date  Articles
Sept 12 -Christine Rosen, "The Myth of Multitasking"
-Christina Romano's "Jessica Statsky's 'Children Need to Play, Not Compete': An Evaluation"
Sept 14 -Larry Ballesteros, "A Winning Formula?" A Review of Slumdog Millionaire"

Sept 21 -Claudia Wallis, "The Multitasking Generation"

Sept 26 -Cass Sunstein, "To Become an Extremist, Hang Around with People You Agree With"
-Nicholas Carr, "Is Google Making Us Stupid?"

Oct 3 -Jeremy Khella, "The Route to American Obesity"
-Joshua Slick, "Not Just for Nerds Anymore"

Oct 12 -William Shughart, "Why Not A Football Degree?"
-Gary Beck, "Not Your Everyday Homeless Proposal"

Oct 19 -Karen Kornbluh, "Win-Win Flexibility"
-Patrick O'Malley, "More Testing, More Learning"
-Jeff Varley, "High-School Starting Time"

Nov 2 -Karen Stabiner, "Boys Here, Girls There: Sure, If Equality's the Goal"
-Cristina Page, "A Mom before the Prom"

Nov 7 -David Kirp, "Diversity Hypocrisy: The Myriad, and Often Perverse, Implications of Admissions Policies"
-Tan-Li Hsu, "High on Caffeine: Regulating Energy Drinks"

Nov 14 -Jessica Statsky, "Children Need to Play, Not Compete"