Class Policies and Procedures


Attendance: As noted in the Winthrop University Undergraduate catalog (see pg. 41), class attendance is expected.  Your professor will take attendance at all class sessions. Because attendance and participation enhance the value of ECED 433, more than three (3) absences may result in a loss of one letter grade. As noted in the catalog, an absence does not relieve you of the responsibility to complete an assignment and turn it in on the due date. You are also responsible for obtaining information and assignments presented during an absence. In accordance with Winthrop University’s attendance policy, absences that total more than 25 percent of class sessions will result in an automatic grade of N, F, or U, whichever is appropriate.


Tardy/Leaving Early: Promptness is an aspect of professional behavior. Teacher candidates are expected to be on time and remain the entire class period. Being on time includes the beginning of class as well as following breaks. Three tardies (3) and/or early exits will be counted as one (1) absence.


Missed Exams: There will be no make-up for exams missed due to an absence and a zero will be given for the exam grade. Professors may grant permission if there are extenuating circumstances that are deemed sufficient for waiving the penalty (e.g. death in the family [requires verification] or illness of student). Teacher candidates with an illness severe enough to keep them from an exam, MUST provide a written medical excuse. NO EXCEPTIONS. Exams that will be missed due to a team or other class activity must have prior permission of the professor and the student is responsible for making arrangements to take the exam.


Late Assignments: All assignments must be submitted at the beginning of class in order to receive credit for the course. Late assignments will NOT be accepted without prior approval from your professor and will result in zero points for that assignment. Deadlines may be extended for teacher candidates with adequate cause; for example: illness (requires doctors’ excuse) and death in family (requires verification).


In-Class Behavior: Teacher candidates should exhibit professional behavior and meet the expectations they will hold for the students they are preparing to teach. This includes no eating, drinking, talking while others are talking, as well as being prepared for class and participating in class discussions and activities. Food and drink should be left at the door when entering the classroom. COE regulations prohibit eating and drinking in classrooms. As a sign of respect for all members of our learning community, please be sure that ALL cell phones and pagers are off during class. In order to protect the academic integrity of the course, family members and friends are not permitted to accompany students to class.


Academic Dishonesty: Cheating, plagiarism, or any other form of academic dishonesty may result in a grade of “F” for the course. For examples of infractions of academic discipline, please consult page 35 of the Undergraduate Bulletin. Some instances of academic misconduct include providing or receiving unauthorized assistance in academic work, using the same work for two or more courses, and/or presenting someone else’s work as your own.


Disabilities: If you have a disability and need classroom accommodations, please contact Gena Smith, Coordinator, Services for Students with Disabilities, at 323-2233, to learn what special accommodations and services may be available to you.


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