


1)       Get on SASPC & retrieve (see LAB 1)


      2)   make the following exact additions from the specific form  template

            to produce a  COMMAND FILE to get  frequencies for female/male heights:


                   Specific Form:                         General Form:


                  DATA  D1;                                DATA  data-set-name;

                  TITLE   Jmlab2;                         TITLE   your-name-run;

                  INPUT    #1                                INPUT #line number

                  @1 (Gender)  (1.)                       @ column # (variable name) (column width)

                  @3 (Tall) (2.);                            @ column # (variable name) (column width);

                  CARDS;                                      CARDS;

                 { DATA FROM LAST TIME}   {keyed data are entered here}

                   1 64

                   1 67

                   {all data this way}      

                   ;                                                  ;

                   PROC FREQ DATA=D1;        PROC FREQ  DATA=data–set-name;

                   TABLES Gender Tall;               TABLES  variable list;

                    RUN;                                        RUN;


3)       Click run icon (guy running) on toolbar to start processing of the command file:


        If you see Frequencies go to B below but if you see a blank screen read A.


A)    FIXING ERRORS: If you have an error no output will appear on your screen.   To find out what you did wrong go to your LOG file and it will tell you.  Click LOG (look toward bottom of screen), you will see a record of what has occurred (Note 1).  You must now correct your command file.

      Click  Program Editor (also toward bottom of screen), after making the

      needed changes, clink the run icon again. Repeat this cycle until

      frequencies appear.  


B)     CONGRATS!  Hit the printer on toolbox and pick up your print out.


4)      Save your command file and your output file to your disk (see III lab 1).  See if you can figure out. Call me over to make sure you can fix an error before you leave.


Note 1:  To keep your log file neat , I suggest the clicking of  EDIT  and the clicking of  Clear Text to get rid of old log files.



Enterprise frequency:  ignore

Open Enterprise like  last time.
(remember to protect data when given chance prompts)

enter describe on toolbar
click "one way frequencies"
drag variables into analysis variables (on the right)
click run



SPSS Frequency  (page 18 Cronk)

Open SPSS like last time
Open file from last time
>Tab Analysis>Descriptive Analysis>Frequencies 123