LAB EXERCISE: (Friday 12/1)
                                                                                             Lab 13




I)  Dogs are randomly assigned to two groups.  After the consumption of a bottle of

     Texas Pete Hot Sauce, the following data give the amount of water  (group1) or lemon juice (group2)

     consumed in a 15 minute period.



Liquid Served:



                                        Group1                             Group2                         

70                                      90

140                                    80

90                                      90

120                                    75

90                                     90

90                                    100

120                                  105

100                                   80

90                                     100

110                                   65


A)   This is tricky what is the dependent and independent variable?  What is a controlled




B)                   Please create/perform the computer run for the proper two sample t-test by hand
               and computer.



SPSS independent two sample T   

Put  in like:

1  70

1  140
2   90


>Analyze>compare means>independent-Samples T test
   drag dependent variable into test variable and independent variable into grouping (1,2)



Bring up to me & I will show how to interpret…

Be sure to go through all four inference steps for an independent two sample t test

 including the effect size.  Do by hand and computer. Elements from computer (means and little s) can be used in calculations.