Lab 11

SOCL 316 -- Sampling Distribution of the Mean

1.    Please find µ and Sigma for a deck of 52 playing cards treating a jack as 11, a queen as 12, a king as 13, and an ace as 1.

2.    Take twenty (20) random samples of 30 cards each.  Shuffle the cards thoroughly between each sample.  Record the 30 cards in each sample (save) Compute the sample mean for each sample, treating each face card as you did in number 1 above.

3.    Enter the 20 means into a SAS or SPSS file.  Write and run a SAS or SPSS routine which will compute the mean and standard deviation for your 20 means.

4.    Describe the distribution of your 20 means. 


Bring to class tomorrow &  to the next lab.  YOU WILL EVENTUALLY NEED THESE FOR A GRADED ASSIGNMENT.