Writing 101

Dr. Martin


Essay 3:  Reflective Essay with Research


The guidelines for this assignment are stated the Reflection Chapter in your book on page 167. What is being added is what you're reflecting about and your research.  So, here is a revised version:  Write a reflective essay based on something you've experienced or observed or read, something that catches your attention and gets you thinking. Describe and summarize this occasion, scene, talk, or concept vividly so that readers can understand what your focus is, and will care about what you have to say about it.  In reflecting on the particular occasion or concept, make some general statements exploring its possible meanings or cultural significance.  Consider what the occasion/concept might imply about how people in our society behave toward one another, what they value, and what assumptions or stereotypes they may hold consciously or unconsciously about beliefs and activities, and possibly about poverty, education, family, or success. Relevant personal experience can be an important contribution to your reflection.    This is where you will also integrate one source to help you support or enhance your reflection. Think of reflective writing as a stimulating conversation in which you seek to express--and perhaps question--your readers' attitude and beliefs as well as your own.

 You should follow the basic focus plan outlined in the chapter:

    * present the particular occasion, scene, talk,  or concept from your experience or observations.

    *develop the reflections.

    *maintain topical coherence.

    *engage readers.

The Guide beginning on page 167 should be considered closely.  After the invention part and picking your topic, follow the suggestions for the paper beginning on page 168.    After vividly presenting the occasion, employ the suggested "cube" brainstorming activity on pagesd 169-170 where you write for five minutes in  the six different ways to consider your subject:  generalizing, giving examples, comparing and contrasting, extending, analyzing, and applying. And don't forget the helpfulness of the Chain of Reasons activity we do in the class  to help you develop your thinking more deeply. Then follow through with clarifying your purpose and formulating your tentative thesis.  Soon, you should be ready to draft, following those guidelines on pages 171-177.

Remember to fully integrate your source into your reflection.  And remember to always introduce borrowed material, and to employ in-text citations at the end of each borrowing.  Please follow the directions for in-text citations in your Writer's Handbook.  For this assignment, your source should come primarily from databases, or from only well recognized and accepted websites such as government or university sites.

Length: 4-5 pages typed, MLA format, with a Works Cited page.  You will turn this paper in to me in a folder which includes all drafts and copies of all sources borrowed from for the paper.

You must submit your essay to turnitin on the date the assignment is due.

  You will automatically receive one letter grade lower for incorrect documentation of sources and incorrect MLA formatting.