Directions to Labyrinth at Myers Park Baptist Church
Take 77 North to the Woodlawn Exit.
Go right off exit ramp. Stay on Woodlawn for awhile. You will go through two big lights--Woodlawn and South Blvd., and then Woodlawn and Park Rd. Then you will notice shopping areas on both sides of the road. You will go through one more light before you get to Selwyn intersection.
At the intersection of Selwyn and Woodlawn take a left.
Stay on Selwyn; it will change names I think, Not too far down, and after a few lights, you should look out for a big white house on your right with a big parking lot to one side of it. On your left will be Queens University. The parking lot to the side of the house should have a sign saying parking for Cornwell Center. Park in this lot. The Cornwell Center is the activity center for Myers Park Baptist Church.
If you miss turning into the parking lot on your right, you will come very shortly to the lighted intersection of Selwyn and Radcliffe. The Church itself will be on the corner on your right, Queens U. on your left. You can go right at the light and drive on around to the back of the church property and park.
Because the outdoor labyrinth if the back and right side of the Cornwell Center. So, if parking in the lot in front of the Cornwell Center, walk to the right of the building and go down the stairs or the sidewalk to reach the labyrinth.