English 200: The Unspeakable: Disability in Literature
Dr. Mary E. Martin and Gena Smith
Paper Assignment
We’ve studied a number of different themes about how disability is perceived in literature. Your job is to choose one approach in one or two of the works we have read and develop an opinionated, arguable thesis around that approach or theme. Following is a breakdown of the different parts of this assignment:
The Paper: After formulating an opinionated thesis statement, you will generate a 4-6 paged paper that uses the text(s) suggested in the following topic options, and through analysis of the texts, you prove the thesis. All support will come directly from the texts and your own best thinking. NO OUTSIDE RESEARCH ALLOWED. The paper is due on 11/25.
Turnitin.com: Before 12 AM on 11/25, each of you will need to submit your paper electronically to us using turnitin.com. To do this, go to www.turnitin.com, click on “create user profile,” and follow the prompts to create your profile. Next, enroll in English 200 by entering our class i.d., 2481880, and our enrollment password: Xmen2. This is case sensitive. Remember, I will be taking up a paper copy of your assignment on 11/25.
Ideas: Choose from one of the following topics to develop your paper, or let me know a topic you have designed.
1. Compare/contrast the character Harrison Bergeron in the story “Harrison Bergeron” with the monster in the novel Frankenstein in terms of how each character deals with their disabilities. How does each character attempt to overcome their disabilities? Be sure to include in your discussion how the context of each work identifies the struggles of each character.
2. Compare/contrast the main characters in Ely’s story “The Flyers” to characters in Flannery O’Connor’s stories we have read. Focus on a few characters in O’Connor’s stories who reflect the manipulations of the disabled and the inherently self-centered attitudes which also appear in “The Flyers.”
3. How is Laura’s disability in The Glass Menagerie ironically the controlling image for the other characters in the play? Remember, the play is named after her precious collection of glass figurines. Laura may not be the protagonist of the play, but the physical manifestation of her inability to function in the “real” world does impact the other characters’ inability to function as well.