Arts in Medicine: Expressive Arts in the Hospital Setting
Spring 2015. Designator: ENGL 328-001
Dr. Mary E. Martin
Office—218 Bancroft E-mail:
Web address:
Office phone: 323-4554 Home phone: 366-7795
Office Hours: M W 1:00-2:00 PM and 5:00-6:00 PM; F 1:00-2:00 PM, and by appointment
Class Meetings:
TR 3:30-4:45 PM, Owens 101
Course Description and Goals:
Central Questions: Why should arts experiences be incorporated into a hospital setting? How can the arts be integrated into a hospital setting?
This class introduces students of any background during the first half of the semester to various expressive arts modalities through research and in-class workshops with guest practitioners of expressive arts. The second half of the semester emphasizes the service learning part of the class: students will engage weekly with adult patients, their families, and staff with expressive arts experiences at Magnolia Manor. These experiences range from reading to patients and helping them journal to inviting patients to participate in crafts as well as music, movement, drawing and painting. Students will also write a research paper appropriate to this course, use standard reference tools for researched arguments, and provide appropriate documentation for the paper. Papers will demonstrate knowledge of current standards of usage. (Core Goals for the Touchstone Program #1, #3, and #4). This course participates in the Global Learning Initiative. The global learning components of this course are as follows: students will practice expressive arts in order to engage with patients at the hospital, and when students employ expressive arts at the hospital, they will be engaging with a population foreign to them. This course specifically emphasizes the following goals:
Goals for courses in the English Department can be found at This course meets goals 1.1-1.8 & 3.1-4.3. Specific goals for teacher certification majors, including a link to NCATE and NCTE, are listed at
Knowledge of Literature:
1.1 knowledge of various forms of written texts (including fiction, non-fiction, poetry, drama, essay, and other literary genres);
1.2 knowledge of male and female world, English, and American authors of recognized importance drawn from a variety of cultural, ethnic, and racial backgrounds;
11.4 knowledge of major similarities and differences among English, American, and other national literatures
1.5 an understanding of the role that literature plays in the development and understanding of human cultures;
1.7 knowledge of standard reference tools, methods, and forms of documentation in scholarly research; and
1.8 the ability to read and interpret an unfamiliar literary text of average difficulty with comprehension of its content and relevant literary characteristics.
Knowledge of Language:
II 2:
familiarity with the standards of grammar, mechanics, and usage generally
accepted in the academic community and the social, cultural, historical reasons
why those standards have been adopted;
II 3:
an understanding of the nature of the English language in all its
dimensions and recognize and respect the varieties of that language;
Learning Outcomes:
Knowledge: By the end of the semester, students will be able to
--Identify the variety of literary forms and themes in selected works of Literature .
--Describe how the selected literature reflects and reinforces "the diversity of ideas, institutions, philosophies, moral codes, and ethical principles" (General Education Goal # 4).
Skills: By the end of the semester, students will be able to
--Demonstrate their ability to read critically and to write analytically about literature through successful completion of tests, papers, and other graded work.
--Apply the skills of literary research, including MLA documentation and research (e.g., the MLA bibliography online and the OED).
--Incorporate appropriate literary terminology in discussions of assigned literary work.
Attitudes: By the end of the semester, students will be able to
literature as a source of wonder and insight, especially when interacting with
patients in a hospital setting.University-Level Competencies (ULCs)
Winthrop’s University-Level Competencies (ULCs) identify learning outcomes that
apply across all undergraduate programs and that all Winthrop graduates attain.
These capacities are essential preparation for working productively and living
meaningfully in the contemporary and emerging world. The ULCs were
approved by Faculty Conference in October 2010.
Competency 1: Winthrop graduates think critically and solve problems.
Winthrop University graduates reason logically, evaluate and use evidence, and
solve problems. They seek out and assess relevant information from
multiple viewpoints to form well-reasoned conclusions. Winthrop graduates
consider the full context and consequences of their decisions and continually
reexamine their own critical thinking process, including the strengths and
weaknesses of their arguments.
Competency 2: Winthrop graduates are personally and socially responsible.
Winthrop University graduates value integrity, perceive moral dimensions, and
achieve excellence. They take seriously the perspectives of others,
practice ethical reasoning, and reflect on experiences. Winthrop graduates
have a sense of responsibility to the broader community and contribute to the
greater good.
Competency 3: Winthrop graduates understand the interconnected nature of the
world and the time in which they live.
Winthrop University graduates comprehend the historical, social, and global
contexts of their disciplines and their lives. They also recognize how their
chosen area of study is inextricably linked to other fields. Winthrop
graduates collaborate with members of diverse academic, professional, and
cultural communities as informed and engaged citizens.
Competency 4: Winthrop graduates communicate effectively.
Winthrop University graduates communicate in a manner appropriate to the
subject, occasion, and audience. They create texts – including but not limited
to written, oral, and visual presentations – that convey content effectively.
Mindful of their voice and the impact of their communication, Winthrop graduates
successfully express and exchange ideas.
Texts/Required Supplies:
1. Kitchen Table Wisdom, Rachel Naomi Remen, M.
2. Poetic Medicine, John Fox.
Web Resources
The English Department Home Page:
The Writing Center Web Page:
Your semester grade will depend for the most part on the quality and quantity of writing and research and creative activities you complete. However, your participation in workshops and class discussions will also contribute. Grades will be assigned according to the following “A” to “F” system: 94-100=A; 91-93=A-; 88-90=B+; 84-87=B; 81-83=B-; 78-80=C+; 74-77=C; 71-73=C-; 68-70=D+; 64-67=D; 61-63=D-; 0-60=F.
I will grade essay assignments according to the Department of English rubric found at Please print out a copy of this guideline for frequent reference.
Journals 15%
Poetic Medicine Presentation 5%
Community Service Component 30%
Annotated bibliography 15%
Researched Argument 15%
Class participation 10%
(includes all assignments for class)
Final Exam Presentation 10%
Class Requirements:
Three things are essential in order to pass this class: All assignments must be completed. (I will post assignments and class calendar on my web page. Check it frequently .) You must bring your books to class and show evidence of having read the assigned readings. You can't miss over four classes, and you must fulfill the hours allotted for the service learning component at the hospital.
Bring your books to class and annotate the assigned reading for that day in your books. Because this class emphasizes the service learning component, I need to see students prepared through reading and practice of expressive arts in order for me to allow any student to participate in the service learning at the hospital. If anyone is having problems with preparing for this class, please see me before we begin visitations to the hospital.
Prepare all out of class assignments, unless otherwise directed, according to the MLA style demonstrated in the Prentice Hall Reference Guide to Grammar and Usage. You must use a word processor or computer with clear, legible print or ink. Papers must be double-spaced with a one inch margin on all four sides. Refer to page 449 in the third custom edition of the Prentice Hall Guide for a template for the first page; no extra cover sheet is necessary. And don’t forget, students who visit the Writing Center regularly will experience the benefits of more accomplished drafts. Check for correct Works Cited formatting as well in the handbook.
Assignments are expected at the beginning of class on the due date. If you are having difficulty completing your assignment, you must see or talk to me before the assignment is due. I do not accept assignments through email. You must turn in hard copies.
Be an active member of class. This is a collaborative class; we will be discussing and examining complex issues together, sharing in group exercises, and completing other work designed to help you understand the issues more deeply. Not participating will hurt your grade. Ask and answer well-considered questions during class. Above all, do the reading and keep up your participation.
Journals: You will complete weekly responses to class activities and assigned reading, many with directed prompts. Your entries should be housed in a light weight spiral notebook that will be turned in a few times during the semester.The entries for this class can include varied responses such as drawings, collages,--different ways to respond to given prompts that enhance any written responses.
Poetic Medicine Presentation: You each will be paired to present and engage the class in a poetry writing activity from a chapter in John Fox's book, Poetic Medicine. As a duo, you will briefly summarize the chapter, highlighting what you found meaningful for the class, then instruct the class in the particular exercise you have chosen. Remember, the point of these exercises is not to "make you into a poet," but to allow you a path for expression. Fox's book assumes everyone has poetic ability whether he/she acknowledges it or not.
Community Service Component: You will be required to participate in weekly expressive arts interactions with patients at Magnolia Manor during the second half of the semester. Times will be worked out to fit class schedules, etc. No one can complete the service learning component without being trained as a volunteer at Magnolia Manor. Please pay close attention to the requirements for dress and decorum as a volunteer at Magnolia Manor. Your grade for the service learning component will rely on your adherence to the Magnolia Manor's policies as well as your engagement with the clients at the assisted living center.
Researched Argument: You will write a researched argument based on class discussion, research, and experience in the expressive arts at Magnolia Manor.Your annotaed bibliography will be sources you have found to develop your final paper. It will be due at the final exam. A more detailed assignment sheet will be given later in the semester.
Final Exam Presentation: You will be presenting the highlights of your paper as well as your review/reflections on your experiences at Magnolia Manor. Your presentation can involve visuals, music, movement, or any other form you choose to involve the class in your experiences.
Mandatory Final Exam time: 3:00 PM, Friday, May 1.
Each student is allowed three absences. This is a collaborative class and not just a lecture course. We will develop the learning and creating community together. If you miss over four classes, you will not pass the class. Being late to class three times equals one absence. THERE ARE NO EXCUSED ABSENCES. If you are sleeping during class or put your head down on the desk, you will be counted absent. Please turn off all cell phones and pagers while class is in session. All cell phones should be removed from sight as well. Note: a few class times may be cancelled because of your commitment to required activities outside of class. I will notify the class of those cancellations ahead of time.
In this class, an essay that presents the ideas and writing of someone else as if they were the writer’s own will receive an “F,” and the student will fail the course. Also, the drafts and other preparations for your essay should reflect the content of that essay. I will not grade a paper that has no history, no preparations or drafts turned in with the assignment. The University Policy on Plagiarism is explained at under section V, “Academic Misconduct.”
Students with Disabilities:
Winthrop University is dedicated to providing access to education. If you have a disability and need classroom accommodations, please contact Gena Smith, Coordinator, Services for Students with Disabilities, at 323-3290, as soon as possible. Once you have your Professor Notification Form, please tell me so that I am aware of your accommodations well before the first {test/paper/assignment}.