Guidelines for Dracula Presentation:
1. Introduce the movie, title and director, and main actors. Briefly summarize the movie; be sure to identify when the movie was made.
2. Define how the Dracula figure is a Byronic hero in the movie. You may also include other characters who may also characterize the byronic traits.
3. Compare and contrast the byronic figure(s) in the movie to the Dracula figure in the nineteenth book, Dracula. You may also discuss other byronic figures we have studied this semester if they are relevant to the figures in the movie. Is the definition of the byronic hero in the movie similar to the nineteenth century version, or how has the byronic hero been transformed? Be sure to discuss the approach the movie takes on the tale of dracula, and how that impacts the hero definition.
Don't forget to show clips of the movie as well to back up your argument.
Time length: 15-20 minutes. Time may seem long, but remember you will showing clips from the movie; you can intersperse clips throughout your presentation, or present them at the end of your discussion.