CRTW 201 :  Essay Two – Critique and Argument


SCORING GUIDE                                                        NAME: _______________________


INTRODUCTION AND THESIS/ARGUMENT:  (20 points)                                                                ________

Introduction includes clear and accurate summary of argument

First thesis contains the result of standards analysis and controlling idea of essay

thesis states a clear position; conclusions reveal depth of thought

thesis clearly focuses on analysis of development of critical thinking

analysis is sophisticated and addresses the subject in depth

Second thesis clearly identifies your position on the issue, a thesis that captures the complexity of the issue.           


ORGANIZATION/PARAGRAPH DEVELOPMENT:    (10 points)                 ________

essay progresses by clearly-ordered steps

paragraph topics clearly relate to standards as applied to the essay in the analysis section of the assignment, and then to argument development in the last section of assignment

essay contains logical development of thought – progression of ideas is clear

transitional expressions used effectively

            paragraphs discuss only one main idea and are fully developed


EVIDENCE/SUPPORT:     (45 points)                                                                   ________

thesis (position, stance) in both analysis and argument sections is sufficiently supported

body includes frequent use of  summaries or concrete examples

evidence is relevant and clearly connected to supporting each standard, and each reason

            all assertions about one’s thinking are supported with concrete, relevant examples

analysis includes all standards were applied in developing the evaluation

 and possibly some impediments

all major assertions are fully supported with concrete evidence


SENTENCE GRAMMAR AND WORD CHOICE:  (15 points)                                    ________

sentences grammatically correct (no run-on sentences, comma splices,

non-parallel syntax, subject/verb disagreement, etc.)

word choice appropriate (precise, clear) for the audience and purpose

sentences are complete (have subjects, verbs, and are not dependent)

            sentences are complex and varied;  style is sophisticated; diction is appropriate

            understanding is not hindered by a lack of clarity and precision    


MECHANICS AND MLA FORMAT:  (10 points)                                               _________

            sentences punctuated and capitalized correctly; words spelled correctly



TOTAL:                                                                                                                     ________

PAPER TURNED IN ON TIME (HARD COPY/TURNITIN):                         ________

FINAL GRADE (100 points possible):                                                                   ________