Dr. Martin



Paper 2:  Critique and Argument


Your task is to write a well organized, coherent, and concretely developed essay--three-four pages typed, in MLA format--that first summarizes and  then analyzes Mary Sherry's essay, "In Praise of the F Word," for strengths and weaknesses.  You will then transition to your position on how the threat of flunking is or is not an effective teaching tool.  Your position should provide at least three reasons for supporting your claim (thesis).  I expect to see your best thinking when developing your reasons.  Don't rely on over-used, worn-out support for your position. Get beyond the obvious.  Go to where the thinking gets interesting!  Examine assumptions that are embedded in your argument, as well as assumptions of the opposing argument.  Then figure out how best to support your position.


Remember, no matter your position on flunking as an educational tool,  don't dismiss everything Sherry says because you may disagree; ask your self whether there is any value in Sherry's assertions.


Basic Essay Structure:

1. Introduction:  introduce and place the issue in context-- its relevance to current events--,over-view the controversy, reference who is as well as who should be concerned about it.

2. Introduce the author and title of his essay, and then briefly summarize the author's thesis and main points and purpose.

3. Assess Sherry's argument, beginning with the strengths you may find in her presentation, based on the standards evaluation. From your  application of the standards evaluation, you should also be able to then focus on any weaknesses in her argument, citing specific impediments or weaknesses when standards are applied.  Be sure to acknowledge the standards as you evaluate the essay.  And don't jam the entire evaluation into one paragraph.

4. Transition to your position on the issue.  Clearly formulate your thesis (claim), and remember to craft a thesis statement that captures the complexity of the issue.

Make sure to develop support for each reason  from your own best thinking, and relevant experience.  This section of your paper should be any where from three to five paragraphs long, depending on the amount of support you are presenting.

5.  Conclusion:  Remember, conclusions should always encompass a larger view or scope.  What new insights have been gained since thinking through your argument


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