Portfolio entry 2: Summary and paraphrase


Write a thesis driven 2-page summary of “Moral Inquiry” by Ronald F. White (BR: pp. 279-282) using MLA style  documentation.



2 pages


Calibri 11-pt. Or Times Roman 12-pt.

MLA Style, in-text documentation as needed

Incorporate one quotation, integrated and cited correctly


1.     The opening paragraph should introduce the article and the author, provide a summary statement of the article, and end with the thesis.

2.     Each body paragraph should provide specific points (divided accordingly) that the author makes, followed by the details that the reader needs to be able to understand the original author’s thoughts.

3.     The final paragraph should conclude with a sentence that provides definite closure for the audience.


Remember that the reader must be able to ascertain which information/ideas are those of the original author and which are yours. Because you are not adding any of your ideas to the assignment, maintaining clarity of ownership should be relatively clear cut.