Fall 2003

Group Oral Presentation

For this assignment, you will work in assigned groups to present some aspect of the Arthurian tradition to the class. The presentations will be given on November 6 and 11; please let me know by November 4 if you need audiovisual equipment, computer & projector, a boom box, etc.

In this assignment I would like you to highlight for your classmates the ways in which Arthurian legend has influenced other fields of endeavor besides written literature. You should try to indicate the major figures, events, titles & dates that are important to your topic. Your goal is to give your classmates a beginning understanding of the importance of the Arthurian tradition in the field you are discussing. You have the option (which I’m sure your classmates would appreciate) of providing a handout of useful information; make 16 copies.

Each group may define the content and style of its presentation. You might start with the Arthurian Encyclopedia in the reserve section of the library and the Camelot Project and Voice of the Shuttle web pages as starting places. Feel free to interview faculty in your discipline to determine promising lines of inquiry. Plan for a multi-media presentation (the time allotted has been divvied up to allow for this).

Each group MUST MEET WITH ME before Fall Break to discuss the shape your presentation is taking, the kinds of material you need help finding, etc. A majority of the members of your group should attend the appointment. I’ll be happy to work with you (e.g. meeting on evenings or a Sunday afternoon) to find a convenient time.

Each group MUST WRITE A MEMO describing your research, the way you divided up your task, and the roles and responsibilities each group member took on and completed. This is due ONE CLASS PERIOD AFTER YOU GIVE YOUR PRESENTATION. You only need to turn in one copy, but ALL members of the group must sign it, indicating that it is a true indicator of your performance.



Allotted Time & Date

Arthur in Film 30 min. 11/6
Arthur in History & Politics 20 min. 11/6
Arthur in Drama 20 min. 11/6
Arthur in Music 35 min. 11/11
Arthur in Art 30 min. 11/11