ENGL 310H Fall 2004
Women and Medieval Literature
Researched Project Assignment
Due Dates: Clear topic with Dr. K by November 2 at the latest
Mandatory rough draft conference w/ Dr. K between November 15 and
Hard copy of paper due Tuesday November 30
(with submission to Turnitin.com)
The major project will be a 12-15 page critical paper on a topic of your
choice; there are only a few restrictions on it.
It must grapple in some way, shape, or form with the topics we are
discussing in this class. I am not limiting you just to the authors we have
discussed in class, so if you want to get into Christina of Markyate or
Julian of Norwich or Hildegarde of Bingen or Heloise, or others, feel free
to do so.
It must have an argumentative edge; that is, it can’t be "Here are
all the things I found out about medieval women’s medicine" but "The way the
middle ages thought about women’s health was influenced by…"
It must use at least some secondary scholarly research, fully documented in MLA fashion. (This means not just geocities and about.com stuff as sources.)
To complete a project of this size, you will need to pose a fairly significant question: not just "How does Marie de France use animal imagery to make gender commentary in Bisclavret?" (which would give you maybe 3 pages) but "How does Marie de France use animal imagery throughout her Lais" or "What attitudes towards fin amor are revealed in Marie’s Lais and what do they tell us about her stance(s) towards women and men?"
Since we are defining "literature" in this class as meaning "texts written
for, by, or about" women, you can feel free to work with categories like medical
texts, or courtesy books, or letter collections, or sermons, as well as the
traditional poetry, essays, tales, drama, etc.
If you want to broaden the definition of "texts" to include images and/or
music, please talk to me; I think that will work, but you can’t just say "Here
are a lot of pictures of women in the middle ages" and then cut and paste twelve
pages of .jpgs from Google and call it a paper. The pictures and music can
support your argument but they cannot replace it. Sorry.
I will be happy to brainstorm topics with you and to help you start finding resources you can use to track down information. Come by during office hours or set up an appointment with me. (This is best done face-to-face rather than by e-mail so that I can start pulling books off the shelves for you.)
Presentation Opportunities
1. National Conference on Undergraduate Research (NCUR), April
21-23, 2004 will be held at the Virginia Military Institute. NCUR® 2005
will bring together undergraduates involved in scholarly and artistic activities
representing a range of disciplines including creative arts, mathematics,
business, social science, humanities, physical and life sciences, natural
resources, and engineering, among others. Participants are expected to come from
more than 300 colleges and universities representing almost every state in the
nation. Deadline for abstracts and student presenters and student presenters and
faculty/administrator presenters is November 15, 2004. (for more information go
to http://www.ncur.org) or talk to
Dwight Dimaculangan in Biology. Some funding for student travel for this
conference will be available from the
Office of Sponsored Programs in McLaurin on a competitive basis. Dr.
Dimaculangan has the information on this.
2. The College of Arts and Sciences is providing some additional travel support (see attached guidelines) if you are going to a conference like NCUR.
3. Summer Support. If you get into your research and want to follow it up
next summer, this program is available:
CUR: 2005 Undergraduate Summer Research Fellowships
The Council on Undergraduate Research (CUR) awards summer fellowships to the
students of faculty members interested in mentoring an undergraduate student at
primarily undergraduate institutions. CUR fellowships provide a unique
opportunity for undergraduate students and their faculty mentors to engage in
approximately ten weeks of full-time research at their home institution. The
online application for the 2005 Summer Fellowship will be open on September 1,
2004. The submission deadline is November 26, 2004. The grant application must
be submitted by a faculty mentor. For more information go to
http://www.cur.org/fellowships.html . I will be
happy to work with you on this if you are interested!
4. The Southern Regional Honors Council meeting is in April in Louisiana; I don’t have information on paper submission yet but that’s another possible venue for presenting. I’ll let you know as soon as I hear about this. South Carolina is very underrepresented at this conference so it might mean you have a good chance of being accepted.