ENGL 310H: Women and Medieval Literature
Midterm Essays due October 19 in class
Choose two of the following and write an extended essay in response to
You may use your texts and class notes; I do not think outside sources are
necessary, but if you use them, they must be documented appropriately in MLA
fashion and submitted through turnitin.com as well as in hard copy.
Answers may be handwritten or typed; either way, I would appreciate double-spacing to make them easier to read.
You may neither give nor receive aid in completing this out-of-class examination.
1. Based on the picture she paints in her Lais, would you consider
Marie de France to be a defamer or defender of women—or some other category?
Support your answer with analysis of specific evidence from the texts.
2. Compare and contrast the use of exemplary stories in the works of Jerome
or Jean de Meun vs. the Gesta Romanorum or Seinte Marharete. (You
only need talk about one author on each side of the debate.) Support your answer
with analysis of specific evidence from the texts.
3. Compare and contrast the discussion of women’s weaknesses in St. Augustine
and Ancrene Wisse. Support your answer with analysis of specific evidence
from the texts. If you want to bring Dives and Pauper into the answer,
feel free to do so.
4. Compare and contrast the attitudes toward virginity in Tertullian and
Jerome vs. those in Hali Meiðhad (optional: and the other Katherine-group
texts). Support your answer with analysis of specific evidence from the texts.