ENGL 203
Survey of British Literature

Dr. Jo Koster
228 Bancroft Hall
803-323-4557; http://faculty.winthrop.edu/kosterj

Office hours M 4-5; W 2-5:30; and gladly by appointment.

ENGL 203
Final Exam Preparation


The exam is scheduled for Wednesday December 8 at 8 AM in Withers 107. The exam lasts 2.5 hours. This is an in person exam, not an online exam, and unless you have an authorized exam conflict that you have discussed with me in advance, you are required to be there. Winthrop University policy does not accept work or travel plans as reasons to reschedule an examination.


IMPORTANT WARNING! Late arrivals at an exam distract your fellow classmates and detract from their performance. Therefore, in fairness to those who arrive on time, any student who arrives more than 5 minutes after the scheduled start of an exam will not be permitted to take the exam and will therefore fail the class. Plan (and set alarm clocks, acquire caffeine, and seek parking) accordingly.

 Before the exam begins, I will ask you to TURN OFF all phones & mobile devices, and put them and your study materials at the front of the room. I will also collect the sheet of notes you brought and hold it at my desk until you are ready to begin the comprehensive section of the exam. These procedures are to help protect the academic integrity of the exam.

Materials permitted:

·        Writing tools

·        One 8½ x 11” sheet of notes (if you choose to bring it) for Part II of the exam; make sure your name is on it!

·        Wrist watch (Cell phones and mobile devices may NOT be used as timekeepers for reasons of academic integrity)

·        Preparation and confidence


Materials not permitted:

·        Text books

·        Class notes, PowerPoints, web pages, etc.

·        Reading notebook

·        Any other outside aids

·        Cell phones (I will require these to be turned off and left in book bags at the front of the room, not at your seats.)


To ensure fairness and coverage, I will write the questions for this exam. The exam will have 150 points and will have two major sections:


Part I This will cover the assigned Victorians, Moderns, and the two short post-modern essays. There will be some short terminology and factual questions, some short answer questions, and two essays. It is worth 100 points. No notes may be used.When you have finished this part of the exam, you'll turn it in, pick up your notes page, and proceed to the comprehensive section.


Part II This is a “comprehensive” section. You may use your notes for this section only. It will contain what I call, for lack of a better term, “British Lit Bingo,” a sheet of identifications and terminology based on your grid sheets and the assigned terms for the semester. It will ask you to associate names, dates, terms, and concepts with their proper periods in British literature, and the very best way to study for it is to fill out your grid sheets thoroughly and to know the appropriate dates for each period. The bingo sheet may ask you to do such things as to identify the beginning and ending dates for a literary period or to identify a characteristic genre of a particular period, for instance. This counts 25 points. Then you will have your choice of doing one of three essay questions which are comprehensive for the whole course.  It counts 25 points.


Study Tips  Writing your reflection papers will help you organize ideas and look at trends to prepare for the comprehensive section; so will reviewing the entries in your reading notebook. (These will be graded and available to be picked up outside my office, 228 Bancroft, no later than Monday morning, Dec. 6.)