Summer 2008

House Oral Presentation Assignment

To be presented on Thursday, June 26


Each house is required to make a group presentation that will display your collective learning so far in the course. These will be given at the end of the third week of the summer session and will count as 20% of your overall grade. (Students will be evaluated both together and separately in this assignment, so not all members of one House may receive the same grade.) Material taught in these presentations may show up on the EFT (Excruciating Final Test), so please take them seriously, take notes, and treat them like you would all other days of class.


Your House has 30-45 minutes to make its presentation on its assigned topic. Your job is to create and give a focused multimedia presentation of your topic, which can include dramatizations, music, film clips, PowerPoints, films you make, posters, handouts, and the like. All members of the House must take a speaking role at some point in the presentation, and all must be involved in the preparation of the presentation. Be as creative as you can be—this is an excellent opportunity to win House points as well as enhance your final grade.


Each House must distribute (either on paper or by e-mail) a handout of Works Cited to the rest of the class on the day of your presentation. You are expected to use materials on the Resources page as a starting point, but since an entire House is working on the presentation, you need to go farther and show us the kinds of research you are capable of conducting. Review the Course Goals on the Policies page and decide how your presentation can show that you are meeting these goals, then incorporate those decisions as you focus your presentation. After the presentation, you'll be evaluating each other's input into the presentation, to let me know what happened when I wasn't around. This input will be one element that will factor into your overall grade.


On June 19, the last part of class will be devoted to individual House meetings with Dr. K to discuss how your project is evolving, the kinds of materials you’re using, and where you are with the project—so be prepared to discuss your progress that day.


Topics (from which you will focus on a particular thesis):