Marcy Student
Writ 102
Dr. Koster

January 22, 2000

Slang and Its Downfalls

            Take a moment to listen to the people around you. Notice anything that you would never hear in previous generations? It is the language that is being spoken among the youth of today. The kids of the past couple of generations aren’t using the knowledge that is being taught by teachers in the school system. They are picking up terms that their peers frequently use and mostly misuse. If eel that slang has gone from an alternative to profanity to a wide spectrum of language describing states of mind, sexual acts, drug abuse, derogatory statements, etc all showing a lack of proper education. At the same time it illustrates a knack for creativity it also shows that it is causing the downfall of the English language.

            Starting with the school system there is a lot of responsibilities. As a teacher there should be rules and regulations about proper language use. There is no need to be referring to teachers in a disrespectful manner. Having the students use their background education and enforcing them to use it will help structure them not to use slang as their base language. Relating to them as adults that they want to be treated like could possibly make them want to use more mature language.

            Involving the youth in conversations where slang wouldn’t be appropriate is another way to show them the proper usage of it. If they were talking to the president of a major corporation I would hope that they wouldn’t refer to their office as ‘phat’ and ask how many G’s they were making. By coaching the young adult to be mature, or at least act like they are, this will get them into the habit of speaking properly. There is no reason for someone to be demeaning and disrespectful when the person that they are speaking to is not that way with them. Knowing the limitations on their usage is important so that they don’t offend someone and cause trouble where it is not needed.

            I believe that parents, teachers, and elders need to stop and listen to what the children are saying. By knowing what exactly they are talking about can clue you in on what they may or may not be getting into. For example, if you are sitting around your kitchen table and your kid is on the phone and you take a minute to listen to what they are saying. Not spying but just listening. You hear them say that they ‘bumped uglies’ the night before in some ‘phat ride’ and forgot to use their ‘party hats’. As a parent how would you react? You might think that her and her girlfriend bumped heads because they are always putting each other down as teenagers often do. That they were in her mothers car which is old and very large. Also that it was someone’s birthday and they forgot the favors that were purchased earlier in the day. When in actuality it means that your innocent daughter had sexual relations with her boyfriend that you didn’t even know she had because she is 15 and isn’t allowed to date yet. The were doing the deed in his car that has been all pimped up so that he looks badder than he really is and they didn’t use a condom as all people should do. This is a typical situation where the parent would need to intervene and talk to her about her actions. Especially in the age of teen pregnancy and disease. Situations need to be observed and guide them through what is going on with them in their lives.

            Being educated, being able to carry on an adult conversation, not being a delinquent, are all goals that I hope every person should have some grasp of. Using terminology like ‘raisin’ da roof’ are a small percent of the problem with our youth today. Slang can be learned and used effectively with the right knowledge that is learned at school and at home. Having the mental capacity to use slang instead of profanity is also a bonus to a proper education.

            It is not going to take that much effort to change these problems previously stated in this argument about cause and effect. Some support from strong-minded peers, teachers, parents, and mentors are needed for change to happen. It is not going to happen overnight but with time and effort we as a society can let our ears have a rest and be comfortable with how our children are conversing with their elders.