WRIT501 Header

This page was last updated on 12/11/2009 and supersedes all older versions.

Instructor Contact Info

Texts and

  • Lynch and Horton, Web Style Guide 3rd edition (Yale, 2008).
  • Alan Moore & Dave Gibbons, Watchmen  (DC Comics, 1986)
  • Sid Jacobsen & Ernie Colon, The 9/11 Report: A Graphic Adaptation (Hill & Wang, 2006)
  • Will Eisner, Graphic Storytelling and Visual Narrative (Norton, 2008)
  • Recommended if you're the artistic type with drawing talent: Abel & Madden, Drawing Words, Writing Pictures (First Second, 2008)
  • You must have access to The Prentice Hall Reference Guide (handbook from composition courses) and be able to bring it to class as required.
  • A removable “flash” drive, minimum 256K capacity (bigger is better)-available at virtually any electronics or office supply store or even at Target.

It would be nice if you had access to

  • Headphones with a microphone attachment (I'll explain in class)--again, widely available. Something like these would be fine; you don't need to spend a fortune.
  • A way of recording sound or video (can be a cell phone, camera, tape recorder....there are a lot of alternatives)
  • A drawing pad or sketch book and a box of colored pencils (and an eraser)

A variety of Visual Quick Start books and other references on electronic design are available for check-out from Dr. K's office

Class meets in Kinard 216. This is a computer lab, so the usual strictures about no food & drink apply. Sorry.
Class Goals This course meets English Department goals

1.1 knowledge of various forms of written texts (including fiction, non-fiction, poetry, drama, essay, and other literary genres);

1.5 an understanding of the role that literature plays in the development and understanding of human cultures;

1.6 knowledge of the standard terminology of literary analysis as found in a glossary of literary terms or a handbook to literature

1.7 knowledge of standard reference tools, methods, and forms of documentation in scholarly research;

3.1 understand that composing is a practice that covers a wide range of processes, functions, purposes, rhetorical situations and strategies, and categories of discourse;

3.2 display a broad view of what constitutes texts, including both print and non-print media, and demonstrate an understanding that technological advancements can change both what is considered text and how text is prepared;

3.3 recognize such characteristics of good writing as substantial and relevant content, organization, clarity, appropriateness of tone, and correctness in mechanics and usage;

3.4 demonstrate a basic understanding of the processes appropriate to composing in a variety of forms and for a variety of audiences and purposes;

3.5 construct persuasive arguments based on careful analysis and deliberation and using a voice and format suitable for the intended audience;

3.6 write research papers on appropriate topics, demonstrating correct use of standard reference tools, methods, and technology and of primary and secondary sources and providing proper documentation of sources;

4.2 be able to analyze critically and interpret written and non-written texts in terms of historical period, national origin, content, cultural context, tone, implied meaning, humor, structure, style, language, themes, form and mode, and rhetorical strategies;

4.3 understand various means of presenting their analyses and interpretations, in both written and oral forms.

5.1 use technology to prepare documents (advanced word processing)

5.2. use technology to learn content (researching online, critically evaluating materials found on the Internet and in other electronic media, documenting material correctly)

5.3 use technology to collaborate with other writers (e.g., cooperative editing if appropriate)

5.4 use technology to communicate effectively with audiences (using such vehicles as web pages, e-mail, and/or discussion lists); and

5.5 use technology to deliver information (using such vehicles as presentations, page design, and/or desktop publishing) in a rhetorically effective manner

This course meets General Education technology objectives B, C, E, F, & G. 

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this semester, you should be able

  • To examine critically the changing literacies and rhetorics of the twenty-first century and how they affect our reading habits and practices

  • To be able to design and compose new media texts that respond to their readers’ needs

  • To be able to articulate principles of style, design, and content that allow for evaluation of pieces of writing for new media

  • To understand the legal and ethical constraints governing new media, including copyright and fair use of materials

  • To consider alternative electronic means of presenting critical and creative viewpoints

  • To present your analyses, observations, and creative texts in both traditional (oral & written) and new media forms as appropriate

  • To deliver information that integrates visual and textual information in a rhetorically effective method 

  • To use technology to collaborate with other writers

  • To use technology to facilitate editing and production

Course Requirements:


Value (%)

Online Assignments & Participation in social media website 35%

First versions of short writing assignments

Final, Revised portfolio of new media with metanarrative 35%

Active participation and preparation


Final Exam (presentation of portfolios) Remember: it's in Owens 203!!! 10%
In keeping with SACS requirements, graduate students will complete a more extensive portfolio including researched material and will have additional responsibilities and assignments in online work.  



Because this is a writing-intensive class, you are required to participate in peer reviews of work. Undergraduates will be required to submit at least 5000 words of text (including revisions); graduate students will be required to submit at least 6500 words of writing because of SACS requirements. 

Grading Standards:

All assignments MUST be turned in to pass the class; no exceptions! To calm your nerves, I will grade initial versions of potential portfolio assignments on an S/U basis ("S" equating roughly to an 85 and "U" equating roughly to a 60). This will give you the opportunity to receive feedback on potential assignments for your portfolio, allowing you to revise and develop them as you grow more comfortable using various software programs and learning new design principles. Late assignments will be penalized.

Late Paper/Assignment Policy:

You may turn in one of the preliminary assignments one working day late if you notify me of your intent to do so at least 24 hours in advance. In no case will I accept any late assignment more than 48 hours after the original due date. Because  of the tight deadlines at semester's end, there can be no extensions on the final portfolio assignment. Plan wisely.

Plagiarism Policy:


Plagiarism is the use of someone else’s thoughts, words, ideas, or lines of argument in your own work without appropriate documentation (a parenthetical citation at the end of the source's use and a listing in "Works Cited")–whether you use that material in a quote, paraphrase, or summary. It is a theft of intellectual property and will not be tolerated, whether intentional or not. In this class, plagiarized material will receive, at minimum, a grade of '0' on the work submitted, and may lead to failure of the class or even more serious consequences, because plagiarism is also a violation of section V, "Academic Misconduct," under the Winthrop Student Conduct Code (http://www.winthrop.edu/studentaffairs/
Judicial/judcode.htm). The English Department has prepared The Correct Use of Borrowed Information to explain plagiarism (see www.winthrop.edu/english/plagiarism.htm.) You will be required to print out this statement, sign the last page, and bring it to class when required by your instructor. Ignorance or failure to consult this material is no excuse. If you weren't aware there was a Student Conduct Code, well, now you know, and you're all bound by it as Winthrop students.


All graded final versions of written work for this class (original content) must be submitted to www.turnitin.com if the assignment specifies it or it will not be accepted. I will provide you with the Course ID and password anon. Tutorials for using turnitin.com are available at http://www.winthrop.edu/dacus/About/studentTIIinstructions.htm. I will discuss in advance of each assignment when and how the materials need to be uploaded to turnitin.com. Student tutorials for using turnitin.com are available at http://www.winthrop.edu/dacus/About/studentTIIinstructions.htm.

Duplicate Submission of Papers:

You may not submit materials for a grade in this class that already have been (or will be) submitted for a grade in another course, unless you obtain the explicit written permission of me and the other instructor involved in advance. This is to conform to the Student Code of Conduct, §V, which states: "Academic misconduct includes but is not limited to … presenting the same or substantially the same papers or projects in two or more courses without the explicit permission of the professors involved." (Student Code of Conduct §V: http://www.winthrop.edu/studentaffairs/Judicial/judcode.htm)

Students with Disabilities:

If you have a disability and need classroom accommodations, please contact Gena Smith, Coordinator, Services for Students with Disabilities, at 323-3290 (or ext. 3290 from campus), as soon as possible. Once you have your professor notification letter, please notify me so that I am aware of your accommodations well before the first assignment affected by your situation is due.

Attendance Policy:


The official Winthrop University Attendance Policy and Final Examination policies are listed in the Winthrop University Undergraduate Catalog. You are expected to abide by them. Because this class meets only once a week and will have a lot of collaborative work, absences from class or conferences will be lethal. Please do not miss class unless it is an absolute emergency; if you must miss class or a conference, let me know in advance. Absences (or tardiness) will lower your final grade noticeably. Under no circumstances may you be absent on the night of a peer critique session, not if you want to pass the class, anyway. If you think you have the flu, however, stay home. We will accommodate. Infecting your classmates is not a good way to make friends and improve your grade point average. I'm just saying.

Final Examination Schedule:

Our final examination will be Friday, December 11, from 6:30-9 pm. Sorry about putting a dent in your social lives, but the Registrar's office came up with that schedule, and it will not be altered. Winthrop University policy states that travel or work schedules are not valid reasons for missing or rescheduling a final examination. Plan now.

Syllabus Changes: This syllabus and calendar are likely to be revised as the semester goes on. Please check the date posted to know if you have the most recent version. The online versions will be the "official" versions.

Other Policies:



Cell phones must be turned off in class. If yours rings, you are officially absent for that class. If you have an emergency situation that requires it be on, you must clear that with me before class AND you must set the phone to 'vibrate' rather than to ringing.

You are expected to purchase the text and other required materials and bring them to class each time. If you do not choose to purchase them from the Bookworm, please check the ISBNs for the text so that you can get the right edition wherever you choose to shop.

You are expected to check the class social media site regularly and to participate in activities there on a regular basis.

We are meeting in a computer lab. This does not mean that you can "play" while class is in session; you are expected to be engaged in class activities, which will be plenty demanding. If I catch you doing so, the consequences on your grade will be severe.

Graduate students will notice that they are required to do longer assignments and more writing. This is a requirement imposed by the SACS accreditation rules. I'll discuss this with you individually if you have questions.