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More Than Words (WRIT501 Class Publication) More Than Words (WRIT501 Class Publication) More Than Words (WRIT501 Class Publication) green piece
     First Issue
   Fall 2005

   Table of

   Writing 501




Ollie down four step

It was back in the mid 90’s when Nirvana ruled the airwaves, Clinton was in office, and skateboarding was still rebellious that I decided to be a skater punk.  Skateboarding wasn’t popular, there weren’t Tony Hawk video games, and pop culture shunned the sport.  Thus, skateboarding was pure and the possibilities were endless.  Skateboarding still hadn’t been completely discovered.

I learned to skateboard from my brother.  However, he certainly didn’t let me follow him around when he “sessioned” spots.  That would without a doubt ruin his image, maybe even make some consider him a loser.  Therefore, he simply gave me an old alien workshop skateboard that had barely any life left in it and told me to just practice.  Although the skateboard was far from ideal, practice is what I did.

Those people that don’t consider skateboarding a real sport really ought to try to learn how to skate or just step on a skateboard themselves.  Actually, they probably have and when they realized that it would in fact take hard work and dedication' they moved on to a more orthodox recreation.  Skateboarding isn’t easy, yet this is one of its major appeals.

I spent days on days trying to make the skateboard ollie, and when I finally began to get the motion right I was confounded.  I just made a piece of wood that wasn’t attached to my feet jump with my body.  Many variations of tricks and possibilities begin to rush through my head; this could get interesting!