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More Than Words (WRIT501 Class Publication) More Than Words (WRIT501 Class Publication) More Than Words (WRIT501 Class Publication) green piece
     First Issue
   Fall 2005

   Table of

   Writing 501




I enslave myself to such foolishness

I let it overcome me, my soul, my mind, my voice

and I am trapped, entangled


When there is no noise but the wind

I can think straight

without silly interruptions

            like the laughter of a friend

            like the voice of my father

                        calling to say his monthly ‘hello’


oh how living in the unpopulated

would heal me

and give me time to breath

            time to think

                        time to be

                                                            who i am

                        without any interruptions

            like the screaming siren outside my city window

            like my loud and vulgar neighbors


oh how I long to breathe

without fear, hesitation, doubt


oh how I long to trust

without anxiety, reservations


oh how I long to love

without time, space


wind, call me into your presence

sing to me that song that no one else knows the tune to

            i want to laugh, breathe, trust, love, sing


                                                            like you

 -R. Woodson