March 24, 1994



TO: Proposed Airport Area Land Use Plan Committee Members

FROM:   Randy Feierabend, York County
                Larry Long, City of Rock Hill

SUBJECT: Airport Area Land Use Plan


As you are aware, the Rock Hill—York County Airport Commission has been working on an update of the Airport Master Plan. This process has resulted in the need to develop a future land use plan for the general area surrounding the airport. This plan will be a joint effort between the Planning Departments of both York County and the City of Rock Hill.

Over the past few months, staff of both departments have been in the process of collecting data for the plan’s development. We would like to present this information to you in order to start the planning process. You have been selected to serve on the planning committee that will develop the plan based on your interest and involvement concerning the airport’s future development. We will have our first planning meeting regarding the Airport Area Land Use Plan on March 29 1994 at the York County Office Complex on Heckle Boulevard. The meeting will begin at 5:30 p.m. and will end at 7:00 p.m. We would like to ask that you attend this meeting; your input will be very important to the success of this project.

Organization will be the main focus of this initial meeting. Our objectives will be to determine a schedule for the plan’s completion, present base data information and identify issues regarding growth around the airport.

We appreciate your cooperation in this effort. Please feel free to call Randy Feierabend at 327-9079 or Larry Long at 329-7080 should you have any questions.

 (Here's the numbered version.)