Below you'll find links to the component parts of three recent, pretty good big reports from WRIT 465. All of them got in the 80s as grades. (Some of the minor problems that earned those grades may be cleaned up in the versions you see here, since the writers had the opportunity to revise them before they provided me with disk copies.) I've put them up in sections so that you can see the formatting and layout more easily. I suggest you print out at least one of them to bring to class on the day we discuss them. Format for typed long reports is covered beginning on page 96 in Business Writer's Companion and you are responsible for studying this material carefully. These copies are in .pdf files, which require the free program Adobe Acrobat ( to read.
I. Faith Hill's proposal to start a recycling program at a Rock Hill apartment complex: front matter and report body. (Please note that her graphics were composed in Vector Markup Language, which unfortunately does not translate well on the web--I did the best I could to reproduce her work).
II. Yolanda Adams' proposal to reinstate the Security Walkers' Program on the Winthrop Campus: front matter and report body
III. Tiger Woods' proposal to retain "business casual" dress at his workplace: front matter and report body