Anon.: Mankind (1969)
City: Cambridge
Date: 1994
Publisher: Chadwyck-Healey English Verse Drama Full-Text Database
Copyright (c) 1994 Chadwyck-Healey. Do not export or print from this database without checking the Copyright Conditions to see what is permitted.

About the print source

Anonymous (Moralities)
Editor: The Macro Plays: The Castle of Perseverance: Wisdom &dotup; Mankind: Edited by Mark Eccles: Mark Eccles

The Macro Plays: The Castle of Perseverance: Wisdom &dotup; Mankind: Edited by Mark Eccles:
City: London
City: New York
City: Toronto
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Date: 1969
Description: li, 278, 7 p.

Preliminaries, introductory and editorial matter omitted.

The following plays have been taken from this source:

Copyright (c) 1969 Early English Text Society. This text may not be reproduced, except for fair dealing purposes, without the express permission of Chadwyck-Healey and the copyright holder. The Early English Text Society
Genre: | Moralities. | Date first published: 1450 ? | Date first performed: 1465-1470. |

Sheet 1

Sheet 4
page 153




Sheet 5
page 154



1:   The very fownder and begynner of owr fyrst creacyon

3:   Žat for owr dysobedyenc he hade non indygnacyon

To sende hys own son to be torn and crucyfyede. Owr obsequyouse seruyce to hym xulde be aplyede, Where he was lorde of all and made all thynge of nought,

7:   For že synnfull synnere to hade hym revyuyde

And for hys redempcyon sett hys own son at nought.

9:   Yt may be seyde and veryfyede, mankynde was dere bought.

By že pytuose deth of Jhesu he hade hys remedye.

11:   He was purgyde of hys defawte žat wrechydly hade wrought

By hys gloryus passyon, žat blyssyde lauatorye. O souerence, I beseche yow yowr condycyons to rectyfye Ande wyth humylite and reuerence to haue a remocyon To žis blyssyde prynce žat owr nature doth gloryfye, Žat 3e may be partycypable of hys retribucyon.
17:   I haue be že very mene for yowr restytucyon.

Mercy ys my name, žat mornyth for yowr offence.

19:   Dyverte not yowrsylffe in tyme of temtacyon,

Žat 3e may be acceptable to Gode at yowr goyng hence. Že grett mercy of Gode, žat ys of most preemmynence, Be medyacyon of Owr Lady žat ys euer habundante

23:   To že synfull creature žat wyll repent hys neclygence.

I prey Gode at yowr most nede žat mercy be yowr defendawnte.

25:   In goode werkys I awyse yow, souerence, to be perseuerante

To puryfye yowr sowlys, žat žei be not corupte;

27:   For yowr gostly enmy wyll make hys avaunte,

Yowr goode condycyons yf he may interrupte.

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page 155

29:   O 3e souerens žat sytt and 3e brothern žat stonde ryght wppe,

Pryke not yowr felycytes in thyngys transytorye.

31:   Beholde not že erth, but lyfte yowr ey wppe.

Se how že hede že members dayly do magnyfye. Who ys že hede forsoth I xall yow certyfye: I mene Owr Sauyowr, žat was lykynnyde to a lambe; Ande hys sayntys be že members žat dayly he doth satysfye Wyth že precyose reuer žat runnyth from hys wombe.

37:   Ther ys non such foode, be water nor by londe,

So precyouse, so gloryouse, so nedefull to owr entent,

39:   For yt hath dyssoluyde mankynde from že bytter bonde

Of že mortall enmye, žat vemynousse serpente, From že wyche Gode preserue yow all at že last jugement! For sekyrly žer xall be a streyt examynacyon, The corn xall be sauyde, že chaffe xall be brente. I besech yow hertyly, haue žis premedytacyon.


45:   I beseche yow hertyly, leue yowr calcacyon.

46:   Leue yowr chaffe, leue yowr corn, leue yowr dalyacyon.

47:   Yowr wytt ys lytyll, yowr hede ys mekyll, 3e are full of predycacyon.

But, ser, I prey žis questyon to claryfye:

49:   Mysse-masche, dryff-draff,

50:   Sume was corn and sume was chaffe,

51:   My dame seyde my name was Raffe;

Onschett yowr lokke and take an halpenye.


53:   Why com 3e hethyr, brožer? &YOGH;e were not dysyryde.


54:   For a wynter corn-threscher, ser, I haue hyryde,

55:   Ande 3e sayde že corn xulde be sauyde and že chaff xulde be feryde,

Ande he prouyth nay, as yt schewth be žis werse: `Corn seruit bredibus, chaffe horsibus, straw fyrybusque.'

58:   Thys ys as moche to say, to yowr leude wndyrstondynge,

59:   As že corn xall serue to brede at že nexte bakynge.

Sheet 6
page 156

`Chaff horsybus et reliqua,'

61:   The chaff to horse xall be goode provente,

62:   When a man ys forcolde že straw may be brent,

And so forth, et cetera.


64:   Avoyde, goode brožer! &YOGH;e ben culpable

65:   To interrupte thus my talkyng delectable.


66:   Ser, I haue nožer horse nor sadyll,

Therfor I may not ryde.


68:   Hye yow forth on fote, brother, in Godys name!


69:   I say, ser, I am cumme hedyr to make yow game.

70:   &YOGH;et bade 3e me not go out in že Deullys name

Ande I wyll abyde.



72:   Ande how, mynstrellys, pley že comyn trace!

Ley on wyth ži ballys tyll hys bely breste!


74:   I putt case I breke my neke: how than?


75:   I gyff no force, by Sent Tanne!


76:   Leppe about lyuely! žou art a wyght man.

Lett ws be mery wyll we be here!


78:   Xall I breke my neke to schew yow sporte?


79:   Therfor euer be ware of ži reporte.


80:   I beschrew ye all! Her ys a schrewde sorte.

Haue žeratt žen wyth a mery chere!

Her žei daunce. MERCY


82:   Do wey, do wey žis reull, sers! do wey!


83:   Do wey, goode Adam? do wey?

84:   Thys ys no parte of ži pley.


85:   &YOGH;ys, mary, I prey yow, for I loue not žis rewelynge.

86:   Cum forth, goode fader, I yow prey!

87:   Be a lytyll 3e may assay.

88:   Anon of wyth yowr clothes, yf 3e wyll play.

Go to! for I haue hade a praty scottlynge.

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page 157


90:   Nay, brother, I wyll not daunce.


91:   Yf 3e wyll, ser, my brother wyll make yow to prawnce.


92:   Wyth all my herte, ser, yf I may yow avaunce.

&YOGH;e may assay be a lytyll trace.


94:   &YOGH;e, ser, wyll 3e do well,

95:   Trace not wyth žem, be my cownsell,

96:   For I haue tracyed sumwhat to fell;

I tell yt ys a narow space.

98:   But, ser, I trow of ws thre I herde yow speke.


99:   Crystys curse hade žerfor, for I was in slepe.


100:   And I hade že cuppe in my honde, redy to goo to met.

Therfor, ser, curtly, grett yow well.


102:   Few wordys, few and well sett!


103:   Ser, yt ys že new gyse and že new jett.

104:   Many wordys and schortely sett,

Thys ys že new gyse, euery-dele.


106:   Lady, helpe! how wrechys delyte in žer synfull weys!


107:   Say not ageyn že new gyse nowadays!

108:   Žou xall fynde ws schrewys at all assays.

Be ware! 3e may son lyke a bofett.


110:   He was well occupyede žat browte yow brethern.


111:   I harde yow call `New Gyse, Nowadays, Nought,' all žes thre togethere.

112:   Yf 3e sey žat I lye, I xall make yow to slyther.

Lo, take yow here a trepett!


114:   Say me yowr namys, I know yow not.


115:   New Gyse, I.


I, Nowadays.


115:   I, Nought.


116:   Be Jhesu Cryst žat me dere bowte

&YOGH;e betray many men.

Sheet 7
page 158


118:   Betray! nay, nay, ser, nay, nay!

119:   We make them both fresch and gay.

120:   But of yowr name, ser, I yow prey,

That we may yow ken.


122:   Mercy ys my name by denomynacyon.

123:   I conseyue 3e haue but a lytyll fauour in my communycacyon.


124:   Ey, ey! yowr body ys full of Englysch Laten.

I am aferde yt wyll brest.

126:   `Prauo te', quod že bocher onto me

When I stale a leg a motun.

128:   &YOGH;e are a stronge cunnyng clerke.


129:   I prey yow hertyly, worschyppull clerke,

To haue žis Englysch mad in Laten:

131:   `I haue etun a dyschfull of curdys,

132:   Ande I haue schetun yowr mowth full of turdys.'

133:   Now opyn yowr sachell wyth Laten wordys

Ande sey me žis in clerycall manere!

135:   Also I haue a wyf, her name ys Rachell;

136:   Betuyx her and me was a gret batell;

137:   Ande fayn of yow I wolde here tell

Who was že most master.


139:   Thy wyf Rachell, I dare ley twenti lyse.


140:   Who spake to že, foll? žou art not wyse!

141:   Go and do žat longyth to žin offyce:

Osculare fundamentum!


143:   Lo, master, lo, here ys a pardon bely-mett.

144:   Yt ys grawntyde of Pope Pokett,

145:   Yf 3e wyll putt yowr nose in hys wyffys sokett,

&YOGH;e xall haue forty days of pardon.


147:   Thys ydyll language 3e xall repent.

148:   Out of žis place I wolde 3e went.


149:   Goo we hens all thre wyth on assent.

My fadyr ys yrke of owr eloquence.
Sheet 9
page 159

151:   Žerfor I wyll no lenger tary.

152:   Gode brynge yow, master, and blyssyde Mary

153:   To že number of že demonycall frayry!


154:   Cum wynde, cum reyn,

155:   Thow I cumme neuer ageyn!

156:   Že Deull put out both yowr eyn!

Felouse, go we hens tyght.


158:   Go we hens, a deull wey!

159:   Here ys že dore, her ys že wey.

160:   Farwell, jentyll Jaffrey,

I prey Gode gyf yow goode nyght!

Exiant simul. Cantent


162:   Thankyde be Gode, we haue a fayer dylyuerance

Of žes thre onthryfty gestys.

164:   They know full lytyll what ys žer ordynance.

I preue by reson žei be wers žen bestys:

166:   A best doth after hys naturall instytucyon;

&YOGH;e may conseyue by there dysporte and behauour,

168:   Žer joy ande delyte ys in derysyon

Of her owyn Cryste to hys dyshonur.

170:   Thys condycyon of leuyng, yt ys prejudycyall;

Be ware žerof, yt ys wers žan ony felony or treson.

172:   How may yt be excusyde befor že Justyce of all

When for euery ydyll worde we must 3elde a reson?

174:   They haue grett ease, žerfor žei wyll take no thought.

But how žen when že angell of hewyn xall blow že trumpe

176:   Ande sey to že transgressors žat wykkydly hath wrought,

`Cum forth onto yowr Juge and 3elde yowr acownte'?

178:   Then xall I, Mercy, begyn sore to wepe;

Nožer comfort nor cownsell žer xall non be hade;

180:   But such as žei haue sowyn, such xall žei repe.

Žei be wanton now, but žen xall žei be sade.

Sheet 10
page 160

182:   The goode new gyse nowadays I wyll not dysalow.

I dyscomende že vycyouse gyse; I prey haue me excusyde,

184:   I nede not to speke of yt, yowr reson wyll tell it yow.

Take žat ys to be takyn and leue žat ys to be refusyde.


186:   Of že erth and of že cley we haue owr propagacyon.

By že prouydens of Gode žus be we deryvatt,

188:   To whos mercy I recomende žis holl congrygacyon:

I hope onto hys blysse ye be all predestynatt.

190:   Euery man for hys degre I trust xall be partycypatt,

Yf we wyll mortyfye owr carnall condycyon

192:   Ande owr voluntarye dysyres, žat euer be pervercyonatt,

To renunce žem and yelde ws wnder Godys provycyon.

194:   My name ys Mankynde. I haue my composycyon

Of a body and of a soull, of condycyon contrarye.

196:   Betwyx žem tweyn ys a grett dyvisyon;

He žat xulde be subjecte, now he hath že victory.

198:   Thys ys to me a lamentable story

To se my flesch of my soull to haue gouernance.

200:   Wher že goodewyff ys master, že goodeman may be sory.

I may both syth and sobbe, žis ys a pytuose remembrance.

202:   O thou my soull, so sotyll in thy substance,

203:   Alasse, what was ži fortune and ži chaunce

To be assocyat wyth my flesch, žat stynkyng dungehyll?

205:   Lady, helpe! Souerens, yt doth my soull myche yll

To se že flesch prosperouse and že soull trodyn wnder fote.

207:   I xall go to yondyr man and asay hym I wyll.

I trust of gostly solace he wyll be my bote.

209:   All heyll, semely father! &YOGH;e be welcom to žis house.

Of že very wysdam 3e haue partycypacyon.

211:   My body wyth my soull ys euer querulose.

I prey yow, for sent charyte, of yowr supportacyon.

Sheet 10
page 161

213:   I beseche yow hertyly of yowr gostly comforte.

I am onstedfast in lywynge; my name ys Mankynde.

215:   My gostly enmy že Deull wyll haue a grett dysporte

In synfull gydynge yf he may se me ende.


217:   Cryst sende yow goode comforte! &YOGH;e be welcum, my frende.

Stonde wppe on yowr fete, I prey yow aryse.

219:   My name ys Mercy; 3e be to me full hende.

To eschew vyce I wyll yow avyse.


221:   O Mercy, of all grace and vertu 3e are že well,

I haue herde tell of ryght worschyppfull clerkys.

223:   &YOGH;e be aproxymatt to Gode and nere of hys consell.

He hat instytut you aboue all hys werkys.

225:   O, yowr louely wordys to my soull are swetere žen hony.


226:   The temptacyon of že flesch 3e must resyst lyke a man,

227:   For žer ys euer a batell betwyx že soull and že body:

`Vita hominis est milicia super terram.'

229:   Oppresse yowr gostly enmy and be Crystys own knyght.

Be neuer a cowarde ageyn yowr aduersary.

231:   Yf 3e wyll be crownyde, 3e must nedys fyght.

Intende well and Gode wyll be yow adjutory.

233:   Remember, my frende, že tyme of contynuance.

So helpe me Gode, yt ys but a chery tyme.

235:   Spende yt well; serue Gode wyth hertys affyance.

Dystempure not yowr brayn wyth goode ale nor wyth wyn.

237:   Mesure ys tresure. Y forbyde yow not že vse.

Mesure yowrsylf euer; be ware of excesse.

239:   Že superfluouse gyse I wyll žat 3e refuse,

When nature ys suffysyde, anon žat 3e sese.

241:   Yf a man haue an hors and kepe hym not to hye,

He may then reull hym at hys own dysyere.

243:   Yf he be fede ouerwell he wyll dysobey

Ande in happe cast his master in že myre.

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page 162


245:   &YOGH;e sey trew, ser, 3e are no faytour.

246:   I haue fede my wyff so well tyll sche ys my master.

247:   I haue a grett wonde on my hede, lo! and žeron leyth a playster,

Ande anožer žer I pysse my peson.

249:   Ande my wyf were yowr hors, sche wolde yow all to-banne.

250:   &YOGH;e fede yowr hors in mesure, 3e are a wyse man.

251:   I trow, and 3e were že kyngys palfreyman,

A goode horse xulde be gesunne.


253:   Wher spekys žis felow? Wyll he not com nere?


All to son, my brother, I fere me, for yow.

255:   He was here ryght now, by hym žat bowte me dere,

Wyth ožer of hys felouse; žei kan moche sorow.

257:   They wyll be here ryght son, yf I owt departe.

Thynke on my doctryne; yt xall be yowr defence.

259:   Lerne wyll I am here, sett my wordys in herte.

Wythin a schorte space I must nedys hens.


261:   Že sonner že leuer, and yt be ewyn anon!

262:   I trow yowr name ys Do Lytyll, 3e be so long fro hom.

263:   Yf 3e wolde go hens, we xall cum euerychon,

Mo žen a goode sorte.

265:   &YOGH;e haue leve, I dare well say.

266:   When 3e wyll, go forth yowr wey.

267:   Men haue lytyll deynte of yowr pley

Because 3e make no sporte.


269:   Yowr potage xall be forcolde, ser; when wyll 3e go dyn?

270:   I haue sen a man lost twenti noblys in as lytyll tyme;

271:   &YOGH;et yt was not I, be Sent Qwyntyn,

For I was neuer worth a pottfull a wortys sythyn I was born.

273:   My name ys Nought. I loue well to make mery.

274:   I haue be sethen wyth že comyn tapster of Bury

275:   And pleyde so longe že foll žat I am ewyn wery.

&YOGH;yt xall I be žer ageyn to-morn.

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page 163


277:   I haue moche care for yow, my own frende.

Yowr enmys wyll be here anon, žei make žer avaunte.

279:   Thynke well in yowr hert, yowr name ys Mankynde;

Be not wnkynde to Gode, I prey yow be hys seruante.

281:   Be stedefast in condycyon; se 3e be not varyant.

Lose not thorow foly žat ys bowte so dere.

283:   Gode wyll proue yow son; ande yf žat 3e be constant,

Of hys blysse perpetuall 3e xall be partener.

285:   &YOGH;e may not haue yowr intent at yowr fyrst dysyere.

Se že grett pacyence of Job in tribulacyon;

287:   Lyke as že smyth trieth ern in že feere,

So was he triede by Godys vysytacyon.

289:   He was of yowr nature and of yowr fragylyte;

Folow že steppys of hym, my own swete son,

291:   Ande sey as he seyde in yowr trobyll and aduersyte:

`Dominus dedit, Dominus abstulit; sicut sibi placuit, ita factum est; nomen Domini benedictum!'

293:   Moreouer, in specyall I gyue yow in charge,

Be ware of New Gyse, Nowadays, and Nought.

295:   Nyse in žer aray, in language žei be large;

To perverte yowr condycyons all že menys xall be sowte.

297:   Gode son, intromytt not yowrsylff in žer cumpeny.

Žei harde not a masse žis twelmonyth, I dare well say.

299:   Gyff them non audyence; žei wyll tell yow many a lye.

Do truly yowr labure and kepe yowr halyday.

301:   Be ware of Tytivillus, for he lesyth no wey,

Žat goth invysybull and wyll not be sen.

303:   He wyll ronde in yowr ere and cast a nett befor yowr ey.

He ys worst of žem all; Gode lett hym neuer then!

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page 164

305:   Yf 3e dysples Gode, aske mercy anon,

Ellys Myscheff wyll be redy to brace yow in hys brydyll.

307:   Kysse me now, my dere darlynge. Gode schelde yow from yowr fon!

Do truly yowr labure and be neuer ydyll.

309:   The blyssynge of Gode be wyth yow and wyth all žes worschyppull men!


310:   Amen, for sent charyte, amen!

311:   Now blyssyde be Jhesu! my soull ys well sacyatt

Wyth že mellyfluose doctryne of žis worschyppfull man.

313:   The rebellyn of my flesch now yt ys superatt,

Thankynge be Gode of že commynge žat I kam.

315:   Her wyll I sytt and tytyll in žis papyr

The incomparable astat of my promycyon.

317:   Worschypfull souerence, I haue wretyn here

The gloryuse remembrance of my nobyll condycyon.

319:   To haue remos and memory of mysylff žus wretyn yt ys,

To defende me from all superstycyus charmys:

321:   `Memento, homo, quod cinis es et in cinerem reuerteris.'

Lo, I ber on my bryst že bagge of myn armys.


323:   The wether ys colde, Gode sende ws goode ferys!

324:   `Cum sancto sanctus eris et cum peruerso peruerteris.'

325:   `Ecce quam bonum et quam jocundum,' quod že Deull to že frerys,

`Habitare fratres in vnum.'


327:   I her a felow speke; wyth hym I wyll not mell.

328:   Thys erth wyth my spade I xall assay to delffe.

329:   To eschew ydullnes, I do yt myn own selffe.

I prey Gode sende yt hys fusyon!


331:   Make rom, sers, for we haue be longe!

332:   We wyll cum gyf yow a Crystemes songe.


333:   Now I prey all že yemandry žat ys here

334:   To synge wyth ws wyth a mery chere:

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page 165

335:   Yt ys wretyn wyth a coll, yt ys wretyn wyth a cole,


336:   Yt ys wretyn wyth a colle, yt ys wretyn wyth a colle,


337:   He žat schytyth wyth hys hoyll, he žat schytyth wyth hys hoyll,


338:   He žat schytyth wyth hys hoyll, he žat schytyth with his hoyll,


339:   But he wyppe hys ars clen, but he wyppe hys ars clen,


340:   But he wype hys ars clen, but he wype his ars clen,


341:   On hys breche yt xall be sen, on hys breche yt xall be sen.


342:   On hys breche yt xall be sen, on hys breche yt xall be sen.

Cantant OMNES.

343:   Hoylyke, holyke, holyke! holyke, holyke, holyke!


344:   Ey, Mankynde, Gode spede yow wyth yowr spade!

345:   I xall tell yow of a maryage:

346:   I wolde yowr mowth and hys ars žat žis made

Wer maryede junctly together.


348:   Hey yow hens, felouse, wyth bredynge.

349:   Leue yowr derysyon and yowr japyng.

350:   I must nedys labure, yt ys my lyvynge.


351:   What, ser, we cam but lat hethyr.

352:   Xall all žis corn grow here

353:   Žat 3e xall haue že nexte 3er?

354:   Yf yt be so, corn hade nede be dere,

Ellys 3e xall haue a pore lyffe.


356:   Alasse, goode fadere, žis labor fretyth yow to že bon.

357:   But for yowr croppe I take grett mone.

358:   &YOGH;e xall neuer spende yt alonne;

I xall assay to geett yow a wyffe.

360:   How many acres suppose 3e here by estymacyon?


361:   Ey, how 3e turne že erth wppe and down!

362:   I haue be in my days in many goode town

&YOGH;ett saw I neuer such another tyllynge.

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page 166


364:   Why stonde ye ydyll? Yt ys pety žat 3e were born!


365:   We xall bargen wyth yow and nožer moke nor scorne.

366:   Take a goode carte in herwest and lode yt wyth yowr corne,

Ande what xall we gyf yow for že levynge?


368:   He ys a goode starke laburrer, he wolde fayn do well.

369:   He hath mett wyth že goode man Mercy in a schroude sell.

370:   For all žis he may haue many a hungry mele.

&YOGH;yt woll 3e se he ys polytyke.

372:   Here xall be goode corn, he may not mysse yt;

373:   Yf he wyll haue reyn he may ouerpysse yt;

374:   Ande yf he wyll haue compasse he may ouerblysse yt

A lytyll wyth hys ars lyke.


376:   Go and do yowr labur! Gode lett yow neuer the!

377:   Or wyth my spade I xall yow dynge, by že Holy Trinyte!

378:   Haue 3e non other man to moke, but euer me?

&YOGH;e wolde haue me of yowr sett?

380:   Hye yow forth lyuely, for hens I wyll yow dryffe.


381:   Alas, my jewellys! I xall be schent of my wyff!


382:   Alasse! and I am lyke neuer for to thryue,

I haue such a buffett.


384:   Hens I sey, New Gyse, Nowadays, and Nowte!

385:   Yt was seyde beforn, all že menys xuld be sought

386:   To perverte my condycyons and brynge me to nought.

Hens, thevys! &YOGH;e haue made many a lesynge.


388:   Marryde I was for colde, but now am I warme.

389:   &YOGH;e are ewyll avysyde, ser, for 3e haue don harme.

390:   By cokkys body sakyrde, I haue such a peyn in my arme

I may not chonge a man a ferthynge.


392:   Now I thanke Gode, knelynge on my kne.

393:   Blyssyde be hys name! he ys of hye degre.

394:   By že subsyde of hys grace žat he hath sente me

Thre of myn enmys I haue putt to flyght. &YOGH;yt žis instrument, souerens, ys not made to defende.

397:   Dauide seyth, `Nec in hasta nec in gladio saluat Dominus.'

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page 167


398:   No, mary, I beschrew yow, yt ys in spadibus.

399:   Therfor Crystys curse cum on yowr hedybus

To sende yow lesse myght!



401:   I promytt yow žes felouse wyll no more cum here,

402:   For summe of žem, certenly, were summewhat to nere.

403:   My fadyr Mercy avysyde me to be of a goode chere

Ande agayn my enmys manly for to fyght.

405:   I xall convycte žem, I hope, euerychon.

406:   &YOGH;et I say amysse, I do yt not alon.

407:   Wyth že helpe of že grace of Gode I resyst my fon

Ande žer malycyuse herte.

409:   Wyth my spade I wyll departe, my worschyppull souerence,

410:   Ande lyue euer wyth labure to corecte my insolence.

411:   I xall go fett corn for my londe; I prey yow of pacyence;

Ryght son I xall reverte.



413:   Alas, alasse, žat euer I was wrought!

414:   Alasse že whyll, I wers žen nought!

415:   Sythyn I was here, by hym žat me bought,

I am wtterly ondon!

417:   I, Myscheff, was here at že begynnynge of že game

418:   Ande arguyde wyth Mercy, Gode gyff hym schame!

419:   He hath taught Mankynde, wyll I haue be vane,

To fyght manly ageyn hys fon.

421:   For wyth hys spade, žat was hys wepyn,

422:   Neu Gyse, Nowadays, Nought hath all to-beton.

423:   I haue grett pyte to se žem wepyn.

Wyll 3e lyst? I here žem crye.

425:   Alasse, alasse! cum hether, I xall be yowr borow.

426:   Alac, alac! ven, ven! cum hethere wyth sorowe!

427:   Pesse, fayer babys, 3e xall haue a nappyll to-morow!

Why grete 3e so, why?

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page 168


429:   Alasse, master, alasse, my privyte!


430:   A, wher? alake! fayer babe, ba me!

431:   Abyde! to son I xall yt se.


432:   Here, here, se my hede, goode master!


433:   Lady, helpe! sely darlynge, ven, ven!

434:   I xall helpe že of ži peyn;

435:   I xall smytt of ži hede and sett yt on agayn.


436:   By owr Lady, ser, a fayer playster!

437:   Wyll 3e of wyth hys hede! Yt ys a schreude charme!

438:   As for me, I haue non harme.

439:   I were loth to forbere myn arme.

&YOGH;e pley in nomine patris, choppe!


441:   &YOGH;e xall not choppe my jewellys, and I may.


442:   &YOGH;e, Cristys crose, wyll 3e smyght my hede awey?

443:   Ther wer on and on! Oute! &YOGH;e xall not assay.

I myght well be callyde a foppe.


445:   I kan choppe yt of and make yt agayn.


446:   I hade a schreude recumbentibus but I fele no peyn.


447:   Ande my hede ys all saue and holl agayn.

Now towchynge že mater of Mankynde,

449:   Lett ws haue an interleccyon, sythen 3e be cum hethere.

Yt were goode to haue an ende.


451:   How, how, a mynstrell! Know 3e ony out?


452:   I kan pype in a Walsyngham wystyll, I, Nought, Nought.


453:   Blow apase, and žou xall bryng hym in wyth a flewte.


454:   I com wyth my leggys wnder me.


455:   How, Neu Gyse, Nowadays, herke or I goo!

456:   When owr hedys wer togethere I spake of si dedero.


457:   &YOGH;e, go ži wey! We xall gažer mony onto,

Ellys žer xall no man hym se.

459:   Now gostly to owr purpos, worschypfull souerence,

460:   We intende to gather mony, yf yt plesse yowr neclygence,

461:   For a man wyth a hede žat ys of grett omnipotens.

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page 169


462:   Kepe yowr tayll, in goodness I prey yow, goode brožer!

463:   He ys a worschyppull man, sers, sauyng yowr reuerens.

464:   He louyth no grotys, nor pens of to pens.

465:   Gyf ws rede reyallys yf 3e wyll se hys abhomynabull presens.


466:   Not so! &YOGH;e žat mow not pay že ton, pay že tožer.

467:   At že goodeman of žis house fyrst we wyll assay.

468:   Gode blysse yow, master! &YOGH;e say as yll, 3et 3e wyll not sey nay.

469:   Lett ws go by and by and do žem pay.

&YOGH;e pay all alyke; well mut 3e fare!


471:   I sey, New Gyse, Nowadays: `Estis vos pecuniatus?'

472:   I haue cryede a fayer wyll, I beschrew yowr patus!


473:   Ita vere, magister. Cumme forth now yowr gatus!

He ys a goodly man, sers; make space and be ware!


475:   Ego sum dominancium dominus and my name ys Titivillus.

476:   &YOGH;e žat haue goode hors, to yow I sey caueatis!

477:   Here ys an abyll felyschyppe to tryse hem out at yowr gatys.

Loquitur ad NEW GYSE:

478:   Ego probo sic: ser New Gys, lende me a peny!


479:   I haue a grett purse, ser, but I haue no monay.

480:   By že masse, I fayll to farthyngys of an halpeny;

&YOGH;yt hade I ten pound žis nyght žat was.


loquitur ad NOWADAYS.

482:   What ys in ži purse? žou art a stout felow.


483:   Že Deull haue the qwytt! I am a clen jentyllman.

484:   I prey Gode I be neuer wers storyde žen I am.

Yt xall be otherwyse, I hope, or žis nyght passe.


loquitur ad NOUGHT.

486:   Herke now! I say žou hast many a peny.


487:   Non nobis, domine, non nobis, by Sent Deny!

488:   Že Deull may daunce in my purse for ony peny;

Yt ys as clen as a byrdys ars.

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page 170


490:   Now I say 3et ageyn, caueatis!

491:   Her ys an abyll felyschyppe to tryse hem out of yowr gatys.

492:   Now I sey, New Gyse, Nowadays, and Nought,

493:   Go and serche že contre, anon yt be sow3te,

494:   Summe here, summe žer; what yf 3e may cache ow3te?

495:   Yf 3e fayll of hors, take what 3e may ellys.


496:   Then speke to Mankynde for že recumbentibus of my jewellys.


497:   Remember my brokyn hede in že worschyppe of že fyve vowellys.


498:   &YOGH;e, goode ser, and že sytyca in my arme.


499:   I know full well what Mankynde dyde to yow.

500:   Myschyff hat informyde of all že matere thorow.

501:   I xall venge yowr quarell, I make Gode avow.

Forth, and espye were 3e may do harme. Take William Fyde, yf 3e wyll haue ony mo. I sey, New Gyse, wethere art žou avysyde to go?


505:   Fyrst I xall begyn at Master Huntyngton of Sauston,

506:   Fro thens I xall go to Wylliam Thurlay of Hauston,

507:   Ande so forth to Pycharde of Trumpyngton.

I wyll kepe me to žes thre.


509:   I xall goo to Wyllyham Baker of Waltom,

510:   To Rycherde Bollman of Gayton;

511:   I xall spare Master Woode of Fullburn,

He ys a noli me tangere.


513:   I xall goo to Wyllyam Patryke of Massyngham,

514:   I xall spare Master Alyngton of Botysam

515:   Ande Hamonde of Soffeham,

For drede of in manus tuas qweke.

517:   Felous, cum forth, and go we hens togethyr.

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page 171


518:   Syth we xall go, lett ws be well ware wethere.

519:   If we may be take, we com no more hethyr.

Lett ws con well owr neke-verse, žat we haue not a cheke.


521:   Goo yowr wey, a deull wey, go yowr wey all!

522:   I blysse yow wyth my lyfte honde: foull yow befall!

523:   Com agayn, I werne, as son as I yow call,

And brynge yowr avantage into žis place.

525:   To speke wyth Mankynde I wyll tary here žis tyde

526:   Ande assay hys goode purpose for to sett asyde.

527:   Že goode man Mercy xall no lenger be hys gyde.

I xall make hym to dawnce anožer trace.

529:   Euer I go invysybull, yt ys my jett,

530:   Ande befor hys ey žus I wyll hange my nett

531:   To blench hys syght; I hope to haue hys fote-mett.

To yrke hym of hys labur I xall make a frame.

533:   Thys borde xall be hyde wnder že erth preuely;

534:   Hys spade xall enter, I hope, onredyly;

535:   Be žen he hath assayde, he xall be very angry

Ande lose hys pacyens, peyn of schame.

537:   I xall menge hys corne wyth drawke and wyth durnell;

538:   Yt xall not be lyke to sow nor to sell.

539:   Yondyr he commyth; I prey of cownsell.

He xall wene grace were wane.


541:   Now Gode of hys mercy sende ws of hys sonde!

542:   I haue brought sede here to sow wyth my londe.

543:   Qwyll I ouerdylew yt, here yt xall stonde.

In nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti now I wyll begyn.

545:   Thys londe ys so harde yt makyth wnlusty and yrke.

546:   I xall sow my corn at wynter and lett Gode werke.

547:   Alasse, my corn ys lost! here ys a foull werke!

I se well by tyllynge lytyll xall I wyn.
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page 172

549:   Here I gyff wppe my spade for now and for euer.

Here TITIVILLUS goth out wyth že spade

550:   To occupye my body I wyll not put me in deuer.

551:   I wyll here my ewynsonge here or I dysseuer.

Thys place I assyng as for my kyrke.

553:   Here in my kerke I knell on my kneys.

554:   Pater noster qui es in celis.


555:   I promes yow I haue no lede on my helys.

I am here ageyn to make žis felow yrke.

557:   Qwyst! pesse! I xall go to hys ere and tytyll žerin.

558:   A schorte preyere thyrlyth hewyn; of ži preyere blyn.

559:   Žou art holyer žen euer was ony of ži kyn.

Aryse and avent že! nature compellys.


561:   I wyll into ži 3erde, souerens, and cum ageyn son.

562:   For drede of že colyke and eke of že ston

563:   I wyll go do žat nedys must be don.

My bedys xall be here for whosummeuer wyll ellys.



565:   Mankynde was besy in hys prayere, 3et I dyde hym aryse.

566:   He ys conveyde, be Cryst, from hys dyvyn seruyce.

567:   Wethere ys he, trow 3e? Iwysse I am wonder wyse;

I haue sent hym forth to schyte lesynges.

569:   Yff 3e haue ony syluer, in happe pure brasse,

570:   Take a lytyll powder of Parysch and cast ouer hys face,

571:   Ande ewyn in že howll-flyght let hym passe.

Titivillus kan lerne yow many praty thyngys.

573:   I trow Mankynde wyll cum ageyn son,

574:   Or ellys I fere me ewynsonge wyll be don.

575:   Hys bedys xall be trysyde asyde, and žat anon.

&YOGH;e xall a goode sport yf 3e wyll abyde.

577:   Mankynde cummyth ageyn, well fare he!

578:   I xall answere hym ad omnia quare.

579:   Ther xall be sett abroche a clerycall mater.

I hope of hys purpose to sett hym asyde.

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page 173


581:   Ewynsong hath be in že saynge, I trow, a fayer wyll.

582:   I am yrke of yt; yt ys to longe be on myle.

583:   Do wey! I wyll no more so oft ouer že chyrche-style.

Be as be may, I xall do anožer.

585:   Of labure and preyer, I am nere yrke of both;

586:   I wyll no more of yt, thow Mercy be wroth.

587:   My hede ys very heuy, I tell yow forsoth.

I xall slepe full my bely and he wore my brožer.


589:   Ande euer 3e dyde, for me kepe now yowr sylence.

590:   Not a worde, I charge yow, peyn of forty pens.

591:   A praty game xall be scheude yow or 3e go hens.

&YOGH;e may here hym snore; he ys sade aslepe.

593:   Qwyst! pesse! že Deull ys dede! I xall goo ronde in hys ere.

594:   Alasse, Mankynde, alasse! Mercy stown a mere!

595:   He ys runn away fro hys master, žer wot no man where;

Moreouer, he stale both a hors and a nete.

597:   But 3et I herde sey he brake hys neke as he rode in Fraunce;

598:   But I thynke he rydyth on že galouse, to lern for to daunce,

599:   Bycause of hys theft, žat ys hys gouernance.

Trust no more on hym, he ys a marryde man.

601:   Mekyll sorow wyth ži spade beforn žou hast wrought.

602:   Aryse and aske mercy of Neu Gyse, Nowadays, and Nought.

603:   Žei cun avyse že for že best; lett žer goode wyll be sought.

Ande ži own wyff brethell, and take že a lemman.

605:   Farwell, euerychon! for I haue don my game,

606:   For I haue brought Mankynde to myscheff and to schame.


607:   Whope who! Mercy hath brokyn hys neke-kycher, avows,

608:   Or he hangyth by že neke hye wppon že gallouse.

609:   Adew, fayer masters! I wyll hast me to že ale-house

Ande speke wyth New Gyse, Nowadays and Nought
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page 174

611:   And geett me a lemman wyth a smattrynge face.


612:   Make space, for cokkys body sakyrde, make space!

613:   A ha! well ouerron! Gode gyff hym ewyll grace!

We were nere Sent Patrykes wey, by hym žat me bought.

615:   I was twychyde by že neke; že game was begunne.

616:   A grace was, že halter brast asonder: ecce signum!

617:   The halff ys abowte my neke; we hade a nere rune!

`Beware,' quod že goodewyff when sche smot of here husbondys hede, `beware!'

619:   Myscheff ys a convicte, for he coude hys neke-verse.

620:   My body gaff a swynge when I hynge wppon že casse.

621:   Alasse, he wyll hange such a lyghly man, and a fers,

For stelynge of an horse, I prey Gode gyf hym care!

623:   Do wey žis halter! What deull doth Mankynde here, wyth sorow!

624:   Alasse, how my neke ys sore, I make avowe!


625:   &YOGH;e be welcom, Neu Gyse! Ser, what chere wyth yow?


626:   Well ser, I haue no cause to morn.


627:   What was žat abowte yowr neke, so Gode yow amende?


628:   In feyth, Sent Audrys holy bende.

629:   I haue a lytyll dyshes, as yt plesse Gode to sende,

Wyth a runnynge ryngeworme.


631:   Stonde arom, I prey že, brožer myn!

632:   I haue laburryde all žis nyght; wen xall we go dyn?

633:   A chyrche her besyde xall pay for ale, brede, and wyn.

Lo, here ys stoff wyll serue.


635:   Now by že holy Mary, žou art better marchande žen I!


636:   Avante, knawys, lett me go by!

I kan not geet and I xulde sterue.


638:   Here cummyth a man of armys! Why stonde 3e so styll?

639:   Of murder and manslawter I haue my bely-fyll.


640:   What, Myscheff, haue 3e ben in presun? And yt be yowr wyll,

Me semyth 3e haue scoryde a peyr of fetters.

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page 175


642:   I was chenyde by že armys: lo, I haue žem here.

643:   The chenys I brast asundyr and kyllyde že jaylere,

644:   &YOGH;e, ande hys fayer wyff halsyde in a cornere;

A, how swetly I kyssyde že swete mowth of hers!

646:   When I hade do, I was myn ow3n bottler;

647:   I brought awey wyth me both dysch and dublere.

648:   Here ys anow for me; be of goode chere!

&YOGH;et well fare že new chesance!


650:   I aske mercy of New Gyse, Nowadays, and Nought.

651:   Onys wyth my spade I remember žat I faught.

652:   I wyll make yow amendys yf I hurt yow ought

Or dyde ony grevaunce.


654:   What a deull lykyth že to be of žis dysposycyon?


655:   I drempt Mercy was hange, žis was my vysyon,

656:   Ande žat to yow thre I xulde haue recors and remocyon.

Now I prey yow hertyly of yowr goode wyll.

658:   I crye yow mercy of all žat I dyde amysse.


659:   I sey, New Gys, Nought, Tytivillus made all žis:

660:   As sekyr as Gode ys in hewyn, so yt ys.


661:   Stonde wppe on yowr feet! why stonde 3e so styll?


662:   Master Myscheff, we wyll yow exort

663:   Mankyndys name in yowr bok for to report.


664:   I wyll not so; I wyll sett a corte.

Nowadays, mak proclamacyon, And do yt sub forma jurys, dasarde!


667:   Oyyt! Oy3yt! Oyet! All manere of men and comun women

668:   To že cort of Myschyff othere cum or sen!

669:   Mankynde xall retorn; he ys on of owr men.


670:   Nought, cum forth, žou xall be stewerde.


671:   Master Myscheff, hys syde gown may be tolde.

672:   He may haue a jakett žerof, and mony tolde.

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page 176


673:   I wyll do for že best, so I haue no colde.

Holde, I prey yow, and take yt wyth yow.

675:   Ande let me haue yt ageyn in ony wyse.


676:   I promytt yow a fresch jakett after že new gyse.


677:   Go and do žat longyth to yowr offyce,

And spare žat 3e mow!


679:   Holde, master Myscheff, and rede žis.


680:   Here ys blottybus in blottis,

681:   Blottorum blottibus istis.

I beschrew yowr erys, a fayer hande!


683:   &YOGH;e, yt ys a goode rennynge fyst.

684:   Such an hande may not be myst.


685:   I xulde haue don better, hade I wyst.


686:   Take hede, sers, yt stoude you on hande.

687:   Carici tenta generalis

688:   In a place žer goode ale ys

689:   Anno regni regitalis

Edwardi nullateni

691:   On 3estern day in Feuerere--že 3ere passyth fully,

692:   As Nought hath wrytyn; here ys owr Tulli,

693:   Anno regni regis nulli!


694:   What how, Neu Gyse! Žou makyst moche taryynge.

695:   Žat jakett xall not be worth a ferthynge.


696:   Out of my wey, sers, for drede of fyghtynge!

Lo, here ys a feet tayll, lyght to leppe abowte!


698:   Yt ys not schapyn worth a morsell of brede;

699:   Ther ys to moche cloth, yt weys as ony lede.

700:   I xall goo and mende yt, ellys I wyll lose my hede.

Make space, sers, lett me go owte.


702:   Mankynde, cum hethere! God sende yow že gowte!

703:   &YOGH;e xall goo to all že goode felouse in že cuntre aboute;

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page 177

704:   Onto že goodewyff when že goodeman ys owte.

`I wyll,' say 3e.


705:   I wyll, ser.


706:   There arn but sex dedly synnys, lechery ys non,

707:   As yt may be verefyede be ws brethellys euerychon.

708:   &YOGH;e xall goo robbe, stell, and kyll, as fast as ye may gon.

`I wyll,' sey 3e.


709:   I wyll, ser.


710:   On Sundays on že morow erly betyme

711:   &YOGH;e xall wyth to že all-house erly to go dyn

712:   And forbere masse and matens, owres and prime.

`I wyll,' sey 3e.


713:   I wyll, ser.


714:   &YOGH;e must haue be yowr syde a longe da pacem,

715:   As trew men ryde be že wey for to onbrace žem,

716:   Take žer monay, kytt žer throtys, thus ouerface žem.

`I wyll,' sey 3e.


717:   I wyll, ser.


718:   Here ys a joly jakett! How sey 3e?


719:   Yt ys a goode jake of fence for a mannys body.

720:   Hay, doog, hay! whoppe whoo! Go yowr wey lyghtly!

&YOGH;e are well made for to ren.


722:   Tydyngys, tydyngys! I haue aspyede on!

723:   Hens wyth yowr stuff, fast we were gon!

724:   I beschrew že last xall com to hys hom.

Dicant OMNES. Amen!


726:   What how, Mankynde! Fle žat felyschyppe, I yow prey!


727:   I xall speke wyth že anožer tyme, to-morn, or že next day.

728:   We xall goo forth together to kepe my faders 3er-day.

A tapster, a tapster! Stow, statt, stow!


730:   A myscheff go wyth! here I haue a foull fall.

731:   Hens, awey fro me, or I xall beschyte yow all.


732:   What how, ostlere, hostlere! Lende ws a football!

Whoppe whow! Anow, anow, anow, anow!

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page 178



734:   My mynde ys dyspersyde, my body trymmelyth as že aspen leffe.

The terys xuld trekyll down by my chekys, were not yowr reuerrence.

736:   Yt were to me solace, že cruell vysytacyon of deth.

Wythout rude behauer I kan not expresse žis inconvenyens. Wepynge, sythynge, and sobbynge were my suffycyens; All naturall nutriment to me as caren ys odybull. My inwarde afflixcyon 3eldyth me tedyouse wnto yowr presens. I kan not bere yt ewynly žat Mankynde ys so flexybull.

742:   Man onkynde, whereuer žou be! for all žis world was not aprehensyble

To dyscharge žin orygynall offence, thraldam and captyuyte,

744:   Tyll Godys own welbelouyde son was obedient and passyble.

Euery droppe of hys bloode was schede to purge žin iniquite. I dyscomende and dysalow žin oftyn mutabylyte. To euery creature žou art dyspectuose and odyble. Why art žou so oncurtess, so inconsyderatt? Alasse, who ys me! As že fane žat turnyth wyth že wynde, so žou art conuertyble.

750:   In trust ys treson; ži promes ys not credyble;

Thy peruersyose ingratytude I can not rehers.

752:   To God and to all že holy corte of hewyn žou art despectyble,

As a nobyll versyfyer makyth mencyon in žis verse:

754:   `Lex et natura, Cristus et omnia jura

755:   Damnant ingratum, lugent eum fore natum.'

756:   O goode Lady and Možer of mercy, haue pety and compassyon

Of že wrechydnes of Mankynde, žat ys so wanton and so frayll!

758:   Lett mercy excede justyce, dere Možer, amytt žis supplycacyon,

Equyte to be leyde onparty and mercy to prevayll.

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760:   To sensuall lyvynge ys reprouable, žat ys nowadays,

As be že comprehence of žis mater yt may be specyfyede.

762:   New Gyse, Nowadays, Nought wyth žer allectuose ways

They haue pervertyde Mankynde, my swet sun, I haue well espyede.

764:   A, wyth žes cursyde caytyfs, and I may, he xall not long indure.

I, Mercy, hys father gostly, wyll procede forth and do my propyrte.

766:   Lady, helpe! žis maner of lyuynge ys a detestabull plesure.

Vanitas vanitatum, all ys but a vanyte.

768:   Mercy xall neuer be convicte of hys oncurtes condycyon.

Wyth wepynge terys be ny3te and be day I wyll goo and neuer sesse.

770:   Xall I not fynde hym? Yes, I hope. Now Gode be my proteccyon!

My predylecte son, where be ye? Mankynde, vbi es?


772:   My prepotent fader, when 3e sowpe, sowpe owt yowr messe.

773:   &YOGH;e are all to-gloryede in yowr termys; 3e make many a lesse.

774:   Wyll 3e here? He cryeth euer `Mankynde, vbi es?'


775:   Hic hyc, hic hic, hic hic, hic hic!

776:   Žat ys to sey, here, here, here! ny dede in že cryke.

777:   Yf 3e wyll haue hym, goo and syke, syke, syke!

Syke not ouerlong, for losynge of yowr mynde!


779:   Yf 3e wyll haue Mankynde, how domine, domine, dominus!

780:   &YOGH;e must speke to 3e schryue for a cape corpus,

781:   Ellys 3e must be fayn to retorn wyth non est inventus.

How sey 3e, ser? My bolte ys schett.


783:   I am doynge of my nedyngys; be ware how 3e schott!

784:   Fy, fy, fy! I haue fowll arayde my fote.

785:   Be wyse for schotynge wyth yowr takyllys, for Gode wott

My fote ys fowly ouerschett.

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787:   A parlement, a parlement! Cum forth, Nought, behynde.

788:   A cownsell belyue! I am aferde Mercy wyll hym fynde.

789:   How sey 3e, and what sey 3e? How xall we do wyth Mankynde?


790:   Tysche! a flyes weyng! Wyll 3e do well?

791:   He wenyth Mercy were honge for stelyng of a mere.

792:   Myscheff, go sey to hym žat Mercy sekyth euerywere.

793:   He wyll honge hymselff, I wndyrtake, for fere.


794:   I assent žerto; yt ys wyttyly seyde and well.


795:   Qwyppe yt in ži cote; anon yt were don.

796:   Now Sent Gabryellys modyr saue že cložes of ži schon!

797:   All že bokys in že worlde, yf žei hade be wndon,

Kowde not a cownselde ws bett. Hic exit MYSCHEFF


799:   How, Mankynde! Cumm and speke wyth Mercy, he is here fast by.


800:   A roppe, a rope, a rope! I am not worthy.


801:   Anon, anon, anon! I haue yt here redy,

Wyth a tre also žat I haue gett.

803:   Holde že tre, Nowadays, Nought! Take hede and be wyse!


804:   Lo, Mankynde! do as I do; žis ys ži new gyse.

805:   Gyff že roppe just to žy neke; žis ys myn avyse.


806:   Helpe žisylff, Nought! Lo, Mercy ys here!

807:   He skaryth ws wyth a bales; we may no lengere tary.


808:   Qweke, qweke, qweke! Alass, my thrott! I beschrew yow, mary!

809:   A, Mercy, Crystys coppyde curse go wyth yow, and Sent Dauy!

Alasse, my wesant! &YOGH;e were sumwhat to nere.



811:   Aryse, my precyose redempt son! &YOGH;e be to me full dere.

He ys to tymerouse, me semyth hys vytall spryt doth exspyre.


813:   Alasse, I haue be so bestyally dysposyde, I dare not apere.

To se yowr solaycyose face I am not worthy to dysyere.

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815:   Yowr crymynose compleynt wondyth my hert as a lance.

Dyspose yowrsylff mekly to aske mercy, and I wyll assent.

817:   &YOGH;elde me nethyr golde nor tresure, but yowr humbyll obeysyance,

The voluntary subjeccyon of yowr hert, and I am content.


819:   What, aske mercy 3et onys agayn? Alas, yt were a wyle petycyun.

Ewyr to offend and euer to aske mercy, yt ys a puerilite.

821:   Yt ys so abhominabyll to rehers my iterat transgrescion,

I am not worthy to hawe mercy be no possibilite.


823:   O Mankend, my singler solas, žis is a lamentabyll excuse.

The dolorus terys of my hert, how žei begyn to amownt!

825:   O pirssid Jhesu, help žou žis synfull synner to redouce!

Nam hec est mutacio dextre Excelsi; vertit impios et non sunt.

827:   Aryse and aske mercy, Mankend, and be associat to me.

Thy deth schall be my hewynesse; alas, tys pety yt schwld be žus.

829:   Thy obstinacy wyll exclude the fro že glorius perpetuite.

&YOGH;et for my lofe ope thy lyppys and sey `Miserere mei, Deus!'


831:   The egall justyse of God wyll not permytte sych a synfull wrech

To be rewyvyd and restoryd ageyn; yt were impossibyll.


833:   The justyce of God wyll as I wyll, as hymsylfe doth precyse:

Nolo mortem peccatoris, inquit, yff he wyll be redusyble.


835:   Žan mercy, good Mercy! What ys a man wythowte mercy?

Lytyll ys our parte of paradyse were mercy ne were.
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837:   Good Mercy, excuse že ineuytabyll objeccion of my gostly enmy.

The prowerbe seyth `Že trewth tryith že sylfe.' Alas, I hawe mech care.


839:   God wyll not make 3ow preuy onto hys last jugement.

Justyce and Equite xall be fortyfyid, I wyll not denye.

841:   Trowthe may not so cruelly procede in hys streyt argument

But žat Mercy schall rewle že mater wythowte contrauersye.

843:   Aryse now and go wyth me in thys deambulatorye.

Inclyne yowyr capacite; my doctrine ys conuenient.

845:   Synne not in hope of mercy; žat ys a cryme notary.

To truste ouermoche in a prince yt ys not expedient.

847:   In hope when 3e syn 3e thynke to hawe mercy, be ware of žat awenture.

The good Lord seyd to že lecherus woman of Chanane,

849:   The holy gospell ys že awtorite, as we rede in scrypture,

`Vade et jam amplius noli peccare.'

851:   Cryst preserwyd žis synfull woman takeyn in awowtry;

He seyde to here žeis wordys, `Go and syn no more.'

853:   So to 3ow, go and syn no more. Be ware of weyn confidens of mercy;

Offend not a prince on trust of hys fauour, as I seyd before.

855:   Yf 3e fele 3oursylfe trappyd in že snare of your gostly enmy,

Aske mercy anon; be ware of že contynuance.

857:   Whyll a wond ys fresch yt ys prowyd curabyll be surgery,

Žat yf yt procede ouyrlong, yt ys cawse of gret grewans.


859:   To aske mercy and to hawe, žis ys a lyberall possescion.

Schall žis expedycius petycion euer be alowyd, as 3e hawe insyght?


861:   In žis present lyfe mercy ys plente, tyll deth makyth hys dywysion;

But whan 3e be go, vsque ad minimum quadrantem 3e schall rekyn 3our ryght.
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863:   Aske mercy and hawe, whyll že body wyth že sowle hath hys annexion;

Yf ye tary tyll your dyscesse, 3e may hap of your desyre to mysse.

865:   Be repentant here, trust not že owr of deth; thynke on žis lessun:

`Ecce nunc tempus acceptabile, ecce nunc dies salutis.'

867:   All že wertu in že word yf 3e myght comprehend

Your merytys were not premyabyll to že blys abowe,

869:   Not to the lest joy of hewyn, of 3our propyr efforte to ascend.

Wyth mercy 3e may; I tell 3ow no fabyll, scrypture doth prowe.


871:   O Mercy, my suavius solas and synguler recreatory,

My predilecte spesyall, 3e are worthy to hawe my lowe;

873:   For wythowte deserte and menys supplicatorie

&YOGH;e be compacient to my inexcusabyll reprowe.

875:   A, yt swemyth my hert to thynk how onwysely I hawe wroght.

Tytiuillus, žat goth invisibele, hyng hys nett before my eye

877:   And by hys fantasticall visionys sediciusly sowght,

To New Gyse, Nowadayis, Nowght causyd me to obey.


879:   Mankend, 3e were obliuyows of my doctrine monytorye.

I seyd before, Titiuillus wold asay 3ow a bronte.

881:   Be ware fro hensforth of hys fablys delusory.

Že prowerbe seyth, `Jacula prestita minus ledunt.'

883:   &YOGH;e hawe thre aduersaryis and he ys mayster of hem all:

That ys to sey, the Dewell, že World, že Flesch and že Fell.

885:   The New Gyse, Nowadayis, Nowgth, že World we may hem call;

And propyrly Titiuillus syngnyfyth the Fend of helle;

887:   The Flesch, žat ys že vnclene concupissens of 3our body.

These be 3our thre gostly enmyis, in whom 3e hawe put 3our confidens.
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889:   Žei browt 3ow to Myschesse to conclude 3our temporall glory,

As yt hath be schewyd before žis worcheppyll audiens.

891:   Remembyr how redy I was to help 3ow; fro swheche I was not dangerus;

Wherfore, goode sunne, absteyne fro syn euermore after žis.

893:   &YOGH;e may both saue and spyll 3owr sowle žat ys so precyus.

Libere welle, libere nolle God may not deny iwys.

895:   Be ware of Titiuillus wyth his net and of all enmys will,

Of 3our synfull delectacion žat grewyth 3our gostly substans.

897:   &YOGH;our body ys 3our enmy; let hym not haue hys wyll.

Take 3our lewe whan 3e wyll. God send 3ow good perseuerans!


899:   Syth I schall departe, blyse me, fader, her žen I go.

God send ws all plente of hys gret mercy!


901:   Dominus custodit te ab omni malo

In nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti. Amen!

Hic exit MANKEND

903:   Wyrschepyll sofereyns, I hawe do my propirte:

Mankynd ys deliueryd by my fauerall patrocynye.

905:   God preserue hym fro all wyckyd captiuite

And send hym grace hys sensuall condicions to mortifye!

907:   Now for hys lowe žat for vs receywyd hys humanite,

Serge 3our condicyons wyth dew examinacion.

909:   Thynke and remembyr že world ys but a wanite,

As yt ys prowyd daly by diuerse transmutacyon.

911:   Mankend ys wrechyd, he hath sufficyent prowe.

Therefore God grant 3ow all per suam misericordiam Žat ye may be pleyferys wyth že angellys abowe And hawe to 3our porcyon vitam eternam. Amen!
