Anon.: Mankind (1969)
City: Cambridge
Date: 1994
Publisher: Chadwyck-Healey English Verse Drama Full-Text Database
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Anonymous (Moralities)
Editor: The Macro Plays: The Castle of Perseverance: Wisdom &dotup; Mankind: Edited by
Mark Eccles: Mark Eccles
The Macro Plays: The Castle of Perseverance: Wisdom &dotup; Mankind: Edited by Mark
City: London
City: New York
City: Toronto
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Date: 1969
Description: li, 278, 7 p.
Preliminaries, introductory and editorial matter omitted.
The following plays have been taken from this source:
Copyright (c) 1969 Early English Text Society. This text may not be reproduced, except for fair dealing purposes, without the express permission of Chadwyck-Healey and the copyright holder.
Sheet 1
Sheet 4
page 153
Sheet 5
page 154
1: The very fownder and begynner of owr fyrst creacyon
3: Žat for owr dysobedyenc he hade non indygnacyon
To sende hys own son to be torn and crucyfyede.
7: For že synnfull synnere to hade hym revyuyde
And for hys redempcyon sett hys own son at nought.
9: Yt may be seyde and veryfyede, mankynde was dere bought.
By že pytuose deth of Jhesu he hade hys remedye.
11: He was purgyde of hys defawte žat wrechydly hade wrought
By hys gloryus passyon, žat blyssyde lauatorye.
17: I haue be že very mene for yowr restytucyon.
Mercy ys my name, žat mornyth for yowr offence.
19: Dyverte not yowrsylffe in tyme of temtacyon,
Žat 3e may be acceptable to Gode at yowr goyng hence.
23: To že synfull creature žat wyll repent hys neclygence.
I prey Gode at yowr most nede žat mercy be yowr defendawnte.
25: In goode werkys I awyse yow, souerence, to be perseuerante
To puryfye yowr sowlys, žat žei be not corupte;
27: For yowr gostly enmy wyll make hys avaunte,
Yowr goode condycyons yf he may interrupte.
Sheet 5
page 155
29: O 3e souerens žat sytt and 3e brothern žat stonde ryght wppe,
Pryke not yowr felycytes in thyngys transytorye.
31: Beholde not že erth, but lyfte yowr ey wppe.
Se how že hede že members dayly do magnyfye.
37: Ther ys non such foode, be water nor by londe,
So precyouse, so gloryouse, so nedefull to owr entent,
39: For yt hath dyssoluyde mankynde from že bytter bonde
Of že mortall enmye, žat vemynousse serpente,
45: I beseche yow hertyly, leue yowr calcacyon.
46: Leue yowr chaffe, leue yowr corn, leue yowr dalyacyon.
47: Yowr wytt ys lytyll, yowr hede ys mekyll, 3e are full of predycacyon.
But, ser, I prey žis questyon to claryfye:
49: Mysse-masche, dryff-draff,
50: Sume was corn and sume was chaffe,
51: My dame seyde my name was Raffe;
Onschett yowr lokke and take an halpenye.
53: Why com 3e hethyr, brožer? &YOGH;e were not dysyryde.
54: For a wynter corn-threscher, ser, I haue hyryde,
55: Ande 3e sayde že corn xulde be sauyde and že chaff xulde be feryde,
Ande he prouyth nay, as yt schewth be žis werse:
58: Thys ys as moche to say, to yowr leude wndyrstondynge,
59: As že corn xall serue to brede at že nexte bakynge.
Sheet 6
page 156
61: The chaff to horse xall be goode provente,
62: When a man ys forcolde že straw may be brent,
And so forth, et cetera.
64: Avoyde, goode brožer! &YOGH;e ben culpable
65: To interrupte thus my talkyng delectable.
66: Ser, I haue nožer horse nor sadyll,
Therfor I may not ryde.
68: Hye yow forth on fote, brother, in Godys name!
69: I say, ser, I am cumme hedyr to make yow game.
70: &YOGH;et bade 3e me not go out in že Deullys name
Ande I wyll abyde.
72: Ande how, mynstrellys, pley že comyn trace!
Ley on wyth ži ballys tyll hys bely breste!
74: I putt case I breke my neke: how than?
75: I gyff no force, by Sent Tanne!
76: Leppe about lyuely! žou art a wyght man.
Lett ws be mery wyll we be here!
78: Xall I breke my neke to schew yow sporte?
79: Therfor euer be ware of ži reporte.
80: I beschrew ye all! Her ys a schrewde sorte.
Haue žeratt žen wyth a mery chere!
Her žei daunce.
82: Do wey, do wey žis reull, sers! do wey!
83: Do wey, goode Adam? do wey?
84: Thys ys no parte of ži pley.
85: &YOGH;ys, mary, I prey yow, for I loue not žis rewelynge.
86: Cum forth, goode fader, I yow prey!
87: Be a lytyll 3e may assay.
88: Anon of wyth yowr clothes, yf 3e wyll play.
Go to! for I haue hade a praty scottlynge.
Sheet 6
page 157
90: Nay, brother, I wyll not daunce.
91: Yf 3e wyll, ser, my brother wyll make yow to prawnce.
92: Wyth all my herte, ser, yf I may yow avaunce.
&YOGH;e may assay be a lytyll trace.
94: &YOGH;e, ser, wyll 3e do well,
95: Trace not wyth žem, be my cownsell,
96: For I haue tracyed sumwhat to fell;
I tell yt ys a narow space.
98: But, ser, I trow of ws thre I herde yow speke.
99: Crystys curse hade žerfor, for I was in slepe.
100: And I hade že cuppe in my honde, redy to goo to met.
Therfor, ser, curtly, grett yow well.
102: Few wordys, few and well sett!
103: Ser, yt ys že new gyse and že new jett.
104: Many wordys and schortely sett,
Thys ys že new gyse, euery-dele.
106: Lady, helpe! how wrechys delyte in žer synfull weys!
107: Say not ageyn že new gyse nowadays!
108: Žou xall fynde ws schrewys at all assays.
Be ware! 3e may son lyke a bofett.
110: He was well occupyede žat browte yow brethern.
111: I harde yow call `New Gyse, Nowadays, Nought,' all žes thre togethere.
112: Yf 3e sey žat I lye, I xall make yow to slyther.
Lo, take yow here a trepett!
114: Say me yowr namys, I know yow not.
115: New Gyse, I.
115: I, Nought.
116: Be Jhesu Cryst žat me dere bowte
&YOGH;e betray many men.
Sheet 7
page 158
118: Betray! nay, nay, ser, nay, nay!
119: We make them both fresch and gay.
120: But of yowr name, ser, I yow prey,
That we may yow ken.
122: Mercy ys my name by denomynacyon.
123: I conseyue 3e haue but a lytyll fauour in my communycacyon.
124: Ey, ey! yowr body ys full of Englysch Laten.
I am aferde yt wyll brest.
126: `Prauo te', quod že bocher onto me
When I stale a leg a motun.
128: &YOGH;e are a stronge cunnyng clerke.
129: I prey yow hertyly, worschyppull clerke,
To haue žis Englysch mad in Laten:
131: `I haue etun a dyschfull of curdys,
132: Ande I haue schetun yowr mowth full of turdys.'
133: Now opyn yowr sachell wyth Laten wordys
Ande sey me žis in clerycall manere!
135: Also I haue a wyf, her name ys Rachell;
136: Betuyx her and me was a gret batell;
137: Ande fayn of yow I wolde here tell
Who was že most master.
139: Thy wyf Rachell, I dare ley twenti lyse.
140: Who spake to že, foll? žou art not wyse!
141: Go and do žat longyth to žin offyce:
Osculare fundamentum!
143: Lo, master, lo, here ys a pardon bely-mett.
144: Yt ys grawntyde of Pope Pokett,
145: Yf 3e wyll putt yowr nose in hys wyffys sokett,
&YOGH;e xall haue forty days of pardon.
147: Thys ydyll language 3e xall repent.
148: Out of žis place I wolde 3e went.
149: Goo we hens all thre wyth on assent.
My fadyr ys yrke of owr eloquence.
Sheet 9
page 159
151: Žerfor I wyll no lenger tary.
152: Gode brynge yow, master, and blyssyde Mary
153: To že number of že demonycall frayry!
154: Cum wynde, cum reyn,
155: Thow I cumme neuer ageyn!
156: Že Deull put out both yowr eyn!
Felouse, go we hens tyght.
158: Go we hens, a deull wey!
159: Here ys že dore, her ys že wey.
160: Farwell, jentyll Jaffrey,
I prey Gode gyf yow goode nyght!
Exiant simul. Cantent
162: Thankyde be Gode, we haue a fayer dylyuerance
Of žes thre onthryfty gestys.
164: They know full lytyll what ys žer ordynance.
I preue by reson žei be wers žen bestys:
166: A best doth after hys naturall instytucyon;
&YOGH;e may conseyue by there dysporte and behauour,
168: Žer joy ande delyte ys in derysyon
Of her owyn Cryste to hys dyshonur.
170: Thys condycyon of leuyng, yt ys prejudycyall;
Be ware žerof, yt ys wers žan ony felony or treson.
172: How may yt be excusyde befor že Justyce of all
When for euery ydyll worde we must 3elde a reson?
174: They haue grett ease, žerfor žei wyll take no thought.
But how žen when že angell of hewyn xall blow že trumpe
176: Ande sey to že transgressors žat wykkydly hath wrought,
`Cum forth onto yowr Juge and 3elde yowr acownte'?
178: Then xall I, Mercy, begyn sore to wepe;
Nožer comfort nor cownsell žer xall non be hade;
180: But such as žei haue sowyn, such xall žei repe.
Žei be wanton now, but žen xall žei be sade.
Sheet 10
page 160
182: The goode new gyse nowadays I wyll not dysalow.
I dyscomende že vycyouse gyse; I prey haue me excusyde,
184: I nede not to speke of yt, yowr reson wyll tell it yow.
Take žat ys to be takyn and leue žat ys to be refusyde.
186: Of že erth and of že cley we haue owr propagacyon.
By že prouydens of Gode žus be we deryvatt,
188: To whos mercy I recomende žis holl congrygacyon:
I hope onto hys blysse ye be all predestynatt.
190: Euery man for hys degre I trust xall be partycypatt,
Yf we wyll mortyfye owr carnall condycyon
192: Ande owr voluntarye dysyres, žat euer be pervercyonatt,
To renunce žem and yelde ws wnder Godys provycyon.
194: My name ys Mankynde. I haue my composycyon
Of a body and of a soull, of condycyon contrarye.
196: Betwyx žem tweyn ys a grett dyvisyon;
He žat xulde be subjecte, now he hath že victory.
198: Thys ys to me a lamentable story
To se my flesch of my soull to haue gouernance.
200: Wher že goodewyff ys master, že goodeman may be sory.
I may both syth and sobbe, žis ys a pytuose remembrance.
202: O thou my soull, so sotyll in thy substance,
203: Alasse, what was ži fortune and ži chaunce
To be assocyat wyth my flesch, žat stynkyng dungehyll?
205: Lady, helpe! Souerens, yt doth my soull myche yll
To se že flesch prosperouse and že soull trodyn wnder fote.
207: I xall go to yondyr man and asay hym I wyll.
I trust of gostly solace he wyll be my bote.
209: All heyll, semely father! &YOGH;e be welcom to žis house.
Of že very wysdam 3e haue partycypacyon.
211: My body wyth my soull ys euer querulose.
I prey yow, for sent charyte, of yowr supportacyon.
Sheet 10
page 161
213: I beseche yow hertyly of yowr gostly comforte.
I am onstedfast in lywynge; my name ys Mankynde.
215: My gostly enmy že Deull wyll haue a grett dysporte
In synfull gydynge yf he may se me ende.
217: Cryst sende yow goode comforte! &YOGH;e be welcum, my frende.
Stonde wppe on yowr fete, I prey yow aryse.
219: My name ys Mercy; 3e be to me full hende.
To eschew vyce I wyll yow avyse.
221: O Mercy, of all grace and vertu 3e are že well,
I haue herde tell of ryght worschyppfull clerkys.
223: &YOGH;e be aproxymatt to Gode and nere of hys consell.
He hat instytut you aboue all hys werkys.
225: O, yowr louely wordys to my soull are swetere žen hony.
226: The temptacyon of že flesch 3e must resyst lyke a man,
227: For žer ys euer a batell betwyx že soull and že body:
`Vita hominis est milicia super terram.'
229: Oppresse yowr gostly enmy and be Crystys own knyght.
Be neuer a cowarde ageyn yowr aduersary.
231: Yf 3e wyll be crownyde, 3e must nedys fyght.
Intende well and Gode wyll be yow adjutory.
233: Remember, my frende, že tyme of contynuance.
So helpe me Gode, yt ys but a chery tyme.
235: Spende yt well; serue Gode wyth hertys affyance.
Dystempure not yowr brayn wyth goode ale nor wyth wyn.
237: Mesure ys tresure. Y forbyde yow not že vse.
Mesure yowrsylf euer; be ware of excesse.
239: Že superfluouse gyse I wyll žat 3e refuse,
When nature ys suffysyde, anon žat 3e sese.
241: Yf a man haue an hors and kepe hym not to hye,
He may then reull hym at hys own dysyere.
243: Yf he be fede ouerwell he wyll dysobey
Ande in happe cast his master in že myre.
Sheet 11
page 162
245: &YOGH;e sey trew, ser, 3e are no faytour.
246: I haue fede my wyff so well tyll sche ys my master.
247: I haue a grett wonde on my hede, lo! and žeron leyth a playster,
Ande anožer žer I pysse my peson.
249: Ande my wyf were yowr hors, sche wolde yow all to-banne.
250: &YOGH;e fede yowr hors in mesure, 3e are a wyse man.
251: I trow, and 3e were že kyngys palfreyman,
A goode horse xulde be gesunne.
253: Wher spekys žis felow? Wyll he not com nere?
255: He was here ryght now, by hym žat bowte me dere,
Wyth ožer of hys felouse; žei kan moche sorow.
257: They wyll be here ryght son, yf I owt departe.
Thynke on my doctryne; yt xall be yowr defence.
259: Lerne wyll I am here, sett my wordys in herte.
Wythin a schorte space I must nedys hens.
261: Že sonner že leuer, and yt be ewyn anon!
262: I trow yowr name ys Do Lytyll, 3e be so long fro hom.
263: Yf 3e wolde go hens, we xall cum euerychon,
Mo žen a goode sorte.
265: &YOGH;e haue leve, I dare well say.
266: When 3e wyll, go forth yowr wey.
267: Men haue lytyll deynte of yowr pley
Because 3e make no sporte.
269: Yowr potage xall be forcolde, ser; when wyll 3e go dyn?
270: I haue sen a man lost twenti noblys in as lytyll tyme;
271: &YOGH;et yt was not I, be Sent Qwyntyn,
For I was neuer worth a pottfull a wortys sythyn I was born.
273: My name ys Nought. I loue well to make mery.
274: I haue be sethen wyth že comyn tapster of Bury
275: And pleyde so longe že foll žat I am ewyn wery.
&YOGH;yt xall I be žer ageyn to-morn.
Sheet 11
page 163
277: I haue moche care for yow, my own frende.
Yowr enmys wyll be here anon, žei make žer avaunte.
279: Thynke well in yowr hert, yowr name ys Mankynde;
Be not wnkynde to Gode, I prey yow be hys seruante.
281: Be stedefast in condycyon; se 3e be not varyant.
Lose not thorow foly žat ys bowte so dere.
283: Gode wyll proue yow son; ande yf žat 3e be constant,
Of hys blysse perpetuall 3e xall be partener.
285: &YOGH;e may not haue yowr intent at yowr fyrst dysyere.
Se že grett pacyence of Job in tribulacyon;
287: Lyke as že smyth trieth ern in že feere,
So was he triede by Godys vysytacyon.
289: He was of yowr nature and of yowr fragylyte;
Folow že steppys of hym, my own swete son,
291: Ande sey as he seyde in yowr trobyll and aduersyte:
`Dominus dedit, Dominus abstulit; sicut sibi placuit, ita factum est; nomen Domini
293: Moreouer, in specyall I gyue yow in charge,
Be ware of New Gyse, Nowadays, and Nought.
295: Nyse in žer aray, in language žei be large;
To perverte yowr condycyons all že menys xall be sowte.
297: Gode son, intromytt not yowrsylff in žer cumpeny.
Žei harde not a masse žis twelmonyth, I dare well say.
299: Gyff them non audyence; žei wyll tell yow many a lye.
Do truly yowr labure and kepe yowr halyday.
301: Be ware of Tytivillus, for he lesyth no wey,
Žat goth invysybull and wyll not be sen.
303: He wyll ronde in yowr ere and cast a nett befor yowr ey.
He ys worst of žem all; Gode lett hym neuer then!
Sheet 12
page 164
305: Yf 3e dysples Gode, aske mercy anon,
Ellys Myscheff wyll be redy to brace yow in hys brydyll.
307: Kysse me now, my dere darlynge. Gode schelde yow from yowr fon!
Do truly yowr labure and be neuer ydyll.
309: The blyssynge of Gode be wyth yow and wyth all žes worschyppull men!
310: Amen, for sent charyte, amen!
311: Now blyssyde be Jhesu! my soull ys well sacyatt
Wyth že mellyfluose doctryne of žis worschyppfull man.
313: The rebellyn of my flesch now yt ys superatt,
Thankynge be Gode of že commynge žat I kam.
315: Her wyll I sytt and tytyll in žis papyr
The incomparable astat of my promycyon.
317: Worschypfull souerence, I haue wretyn here
The gloryuse remembrance of my nobyll condycyon.
319: To haue remos and memory of mysylff žus wretyn yt ys,
To defende me from all superstycyus charmys:
321: `Memento, homo, quod cinis es et in cinerem reuerteris.'
Lo, I ber on my bryst že bagge of myn armys.
323: The wether ys colde, Gode sende ws goode ferys!
324: `Cum sancto sanctus eris et cum peruerso peruerteris.'
325: `Ecce quam bonum et quam jocundum,' quod že Deull to že frerys,
`Habitare fratres in vnum.'
327: I her a felow speke; wyth hym I wyll not mell.
328: Thys erth wyth my spade I xall assay to delffe.
329: To eschew ydullnes, I do yt myn own selffe.
I prey Gode sende yt hys fusyon!
331: Make rom, sers, for we haue be longe!
332: We wyll cum gyf yow a Crystemes songe.
333: Now I prey all že yemandry žat ys here
334: To synge wyth ws wyth a mery chere:
Sheet 12
page 165
335: Yt ys wretyn wyth a coll, yt ys wretyn wyth a cole,
336: Yt ys wretyn wyth a colle, yt ys wretyn wyth a colle,
337: He žat schytyth wyth hys hoyll, he žat schytyth wyth hys hoyll,
338: He žat schytyth wyth hys hoyll, he žat schytyth with his hoyll,
339: But he wyppe hys ars clen, but he wyppe hys ars clen,
340: But he wype hys ars clen, but he wype his ars clen,
341: On hys breche yt xall be sen, on hys breche yt xall be sen.
342: On hys breche yt xall be sen, on hys breche yt xall be sen.
343: Hoylyke, holyke, holyke! holyke, holyke, holyke!
344: Ey, Mankynde, Gode spede yow wyth yowr spade!
345: I xall tell yow of a maryage:
346: I wolde yowr mowth and hys ars žat žis made
Wer maryede junctly together.
348: Hey yow hens, felouse, wyth bredynge.
349: Leue yowr derysyon and yowr japyng.
350: I must nedys labure, yt ys my lyvynge.
351: What, ser, we cam but lat hethyr.
352: Xall all žis corn grow here
353: Žat 3e xall haue že nexte 3er?
354: Yf yt be so, corn hade nede be dere,
Ellys 3e xall haue a pore lyffe.
356: Alasse, goode fadere, žis labor fretyth yow to že bon.
357: But for yowr croppe I take grett mone.
358: &YOGH;e xall neuer spende yt alonne;
I xall assay to geett yow a wyffe.
360: How many acres suppose 3e here by estymacyon?
361: Ey, how 3e turne že erth wppe and down!
362: I haue be in my days in many goode town
&YOGH;ett saw I neuer such another tyllynge.
Sheet 13
page 166
364: Why stonde ye ydyll? Yt ys pety žat 3e were born!
365: We xall bargen wyth yow and nožer moke nor scorne.
366: Take a goode carte in herwest and lode yt wyth yowr corne,
Ande what xall we gyf yow for že levynge?
368: He ys a goode starke laburrer, he wolde fayn do well.
369: He hath mett wyth že goode man Mercy in a schroude sell.
370: For all žis he may haue many a hungry mele.
&YOGH;yt woll 3e se he ys polytyke.
372: Here xall be goode corn, he may not mysse yt;
373: Yf he wyll haue reyn he may ouerpysse yt;
374: Ande yf he wyll haue compasse he may ouerblysse yt
A lytyll wyth hys ars lyke.
376: Go and do yowr labur! Gode lett yow neuer the!
377: Or wyth my spade I xall yow dynge, by že Holy Trinyte!
378: Haue 3e non other man to moke, but euer me?
&YOGH;e wolde haue me of yowr sett?
380: Hye yow forth lyuely, for hens I wyll yow dryffe.
381: Alas, my jewellys! I xall be schent of my wyff!
382: Alasse! and I am lyke neuer for to thryue,
I haue such a buffett.
384: Hens I sey, New Gyse, Nowadays, and Nowte!
385: Yt was seyde beforn, all že menys xuld be sought
386: To perverte my condycyons and brynge me to nought.
Hens, thevys! &YOGH;e haue made many a lesynge.
388: Marryde I was for colde, but now am I warme.
389: &YOGH;e are ewyll avysyde, ser, for 3e haue don harme.
390: By cokkys body sakyrde, I haue such a peyn in my arme
I may not chonge a man a ferthynge.
392: Now I thanke Gode, knelynge on my kne.
393: Blyssyde be hys name! he ys of hye degre.
394: By že subsyde of hys grace žat he hath sente me
Thre of myn enmys I haue putt to flyght.
397: Dauide seyth, `Nec in hasta nec in gladio saluat Dominus.'
Sheet 13
page 167
398: No, mary, I beschrew yow, yt ys in spadibus.
399: Therfor Crystys curse cum on yowr hedybus
To sende yow lesse myght!
401: I promytt yow žes felouse wyll no more cum here,
402: For summe of žem, certenly, were summewhat to nere.
403: My fadyr Mercy avysyde me to be of a goode chere
Ande agayn my enmys manly for to fyght.
405: I xall convycte žem, I hope, euerychon.
406: &YOGH;et I say amysse, I do yt not alon.
407: Wyth že helpe of že grace of Gode I resyst my fon
Ande žer malycyuse herte.
409: Wyth my spade I wyll departe, my worschyppull souerence,
410: Ande lyue euer wyth labure to corecte my insolence.
411: I xall go fett corn for my londe; I prey yow of pacyence;
Ryght son I xall reverte.
413: Alas, alasse, žat euer I was wrought!
414: Alasse že whyll, I wers žen nought!
415: Sythyn I was here, by hym žat me bought,
I am wtterly ondon!
417: I, Myscheff, was here at že begynnynge of že game
418: Ande arguyde wyth Mercy, Gode gyff hym schame!
419: He hath taught Mankynde, wyll I haue be vane,
To fyght manly ageyn hys fon.
421: For wyth hys spade, žat was hys wepyn,
422: Neu Gyse, Nowadays, Nought hath all to-beton.
423: I haue grett pyte to se žem wepyn.
Wyll 3e lyst? I here žem crye.
425: Alasse, alasse! cum hether, I xall be yowr borow.
426: Alac, alac! ven, ven! cum hethere wyth sorowe!
427: Pesse, fayer babys, 3e xall haue a nappyll to-morow!
Why grete 3e so, why?
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429: Alasse, master, alasse, my privyte!
430: A, wher? alake! fayer babe, ba me!
431: Abyde! to son I xall yt se.
432: Here, here, se my hede, goode master!
433: Lady, helpe! sely darlynge, ven, ven!
434: I xall helpe že of ži peyn;
435: I xall smytt of ži hede and sett yt on agayn.
436: By owr Lady, ser, a fayer playster!
437: Wyll 3e of wyth hys hede! Yt ys a schreude charme!
438: As for me, I haue non harme.
439: I were loth to forbere myn arme.
&YOGH;e pley in nomine patris, choppe!
441: &YOGH;e xall not choppe my jewellys, and I may.
442: &YOGH;e, Cristys crose, wyll 3e smyght my hede awey?
443: Ther wer on and on! Oute! &YOGH;e xall not assay.
I myght well be callyde a foppe.
445: I kan choppe yt of and make yt agayn.
446: I hade a schreude recumbentibus but I fele no peyn.
447: Ande my hede ys all saue and holl agayn.
Now towchynge že mater of Mankynde,
449: Lett ws haue an interleccyon, sythen 3e be cum hethere.
Yt were goode to haue an ende.
451: How, how, a mynstrell! Know 3e ony out?
452: I kan pype in a Walsyngham wystyll, I, Nought, Nought.
453: Blow apase, and žou xall bryng hym in wyth a flewte.
454: I com wyth my leggys wnder me.
455: How, Neu Gyse, Nowadays, herke or I goo!
456: When owr hedys wer togethere I spake of si dedero.
457: &YOGH;e, go ži wey! We xall gažer mony onto,
Ellys žer xall no man hym se.
459: Now gostly to owr purpos, worschypfull souerence,
460: We intende to gather mony, yf yt plesse yowr neclygence,
461: For a man wyth a hede žat ys of grett omnipotens.
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462: Kepe yowr tayll, in goodness I prey yow, goode brožer!
463: He ys a worschyppull man, sers, sauyng yowr reuerens.
464: He louyth no grotys, nor pens of to pens.
465: Gyf ws rede reyallys yf 3e wyll se hys abhomynabull presens.
466: Not so! &YOGH;e žat mow not pay že ton, pay že tožer.
467: At že goodeman of žis house fyrst we wyll assay.
468: Gode blysse yow, master! &YOGH;e say as yll, 3et 3e wyll not sey nay.
469: Lett ws go by and by and do žem pay.
&YOGH;e pay all alyke; well mut 3e fare!
471: I sey, New Gyse, Nowadays: `Estis vos pecuniatus?'
472: I haue cryede a fayer wyll, I beschrew yowr patus!
473: Ita vere, magister. Cumme forth now yowr gatus!
He ys a goodly man, sers; make space and be ware!
475: Ego sum dominancium dominus and my name ys Titivillus.
476: &YOGH;e žat haue goode hors, to yow I sey caueatis!
477: Here ys an abyll felyschyppe to tryse hem out at yowr gatys.
Loquitur ad NEW GYSE:
478: Ego probo sic: ser New Gys, lende me a peny!
479: I haue a grett purse, ser, but I haue no monay.
480: By že masse, I fayll to farthyngys of an halpeny;
&YOGH;yt hade I ten pound žis nyght žat was.
loquitur ad NOWADAYS.
482: What ys in ži purse? žou art a stout felow.
483: Že Deull haue the qwytt! I am a clen jentyllman.
484: I prey Gode I be neuer wers storyde žen I am.
Yt xall be otherwyse, I hope, or žis nyght passe.
loquitur ad NOUGHT.
486: Herke now! I say žou hast many a peny.
487: Non nobis, domine, non nobis, by Sent Deny!
488: Že Deull may daunce in my purse for ony peny;
Yt ys as clen as a byrdys ars.
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490: Now I say 3et ageyn, caueatis!
491: Her ys an abyll felyschyppe to tryse hem out of yowr gatys.
492: Now I sey, New Gyse, Nowadays, and Nought,
493: Go and serche že contre, anon yt be sow3te,
494: Summe here, summe žer; what yf 3e may cache ow3te?
495: Yf 3e fayll of hors, take what 3e may ellys.
496: Then speke to Mankynde for že recumbentibus of my jewellys.
497: Remember my brokyn hede in že worschyppe of že fyve vowellys.
498: &YOGH;e, goode ser, and že sytyca in my arme.
499: I know full well what Mankynde dyde to yow.
500: Myschyff hat informyde of all že matere thorow.
501: I xall venge yowr quarell, I make Gode avow.
Forth, and espye were 3e may do harme.
505: Fyrst I xall begyn at Master Huntyngton of Sauston,
506: Fro thens I xall go to Wylliam Thurlay of Hauston,
507: Ande so forth to Pycharde of Trumpyngton.
I wyll kepe me to žes thre.
509: I xall goo to Wyllyham Baker of Waltom,
510: To Rycherde Bollman of Gayton;
511: I xall spare Master Woode of Fullburn,
He ys a noli me tangere.
513: I xall goo to Wyllyam Patryke of Massyngham,
514: I xall spare Master Alyngton of Botysam
515: Ande Hamonde of Soffeham,
For drede of in manus tuas qweke.
517: Felous, cum forth, and go we hens togethyr.
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518: Syth we xall go, lett ws be well ware wethere.
519: If we may be take, we com no more hethyr.
Lett ws con well owr neke-verse, žat we haue not a cheke.
521: Goo yowr wey, a deull wey, go yowr wey all!
522: I blysse yow wyth my lyfte honde: foull yow befall!
523: Com agayn, I werne, as son as I yow call,
And brynge yowr avantage into žis place.
525: To speke wyth Mankynde I wyll tary here žis tyde
526: Ande assay hys goode purpose for to sett asyde.
527: Že goode man Mercy xall no lenger be hys gyde.
I xall make hym to dawnce anožer trace.
529: Euer I go invysybull, yt ys my jett,
530: Ande befor hys ey žus I wyll hange my nett
531: To blench hys syght; I hope to haue hys fote-mett.
To yrke hym of hys labur I xall make a frame.
533: Thys borde xall be hyde wnder že erth preuely;
534: Hys spade xall enter, I hope, onredyly;
535: Be žen he hath assayde, he xall be very angry
Ande lose hys pacyens, peyn of schame.
537: I xall menge hys corne wyth drawke and wyth durnell;
538: Yt xall not be lyke to sow nor to sell.
539: Yondyr he commyth; I prey of cownsell.
He xall wene grace were wane.
541: Now Gode of hys mercy sende ws of hys sonde!
542: I haue brought sede here to sow wyth my londe.
543: Qwyll I ouerdylew yt, here yt xall stonde.
In nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti now I wyll begyn.
545: Thys londe ys so harde yt makyth wnlusty and yrke.
546: I xall sow my corn at wynter and lett Gode werke.
547: Alasse, my corn ys lost! here ys a foull werke!
I se well by tyllynge lytyll xall I wyn.
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549: Here I gyff wppe my spade for now and for euer.
Here TITIVILLUS goth out wyth že spade
550: To occupye my body I wyll not put me in deuer.
551: I wyll here my ewynsonge here or I dysseuer.
Thys place I assyng as for my kyrke.
553: Here in my kerke I knell on my kneys.
554: Pater noster qui es in celis.
555: I promes yow I haue no lede on my helys.
I am here ageyn to make žis felow yrke.
557: Qwyst! pesse! I xall go to hys ere and tytyll žerin.
558: A schorte preyere thyrlyth hewyn; of ži preyere blyn.
559: Žou art holyer žen euer was ony of ži kyn.
Aryse and avent že! nature compellys.
561: I wyll into ži 3erde, souerens, and cum ageyn son.
562: For drede of že colyke and eke of že ston
563: I wyll go do žat nedys must be don.
My bedys xall be here for whosummeuer wyll ellys.
565: Mankynde was besy in hys prayere, 3et I dyde hym aryse.
566: He ys conveyde, be Cryst, from hys dyvyn seruyce.
567: Wethere ys he, trow 3e? Iwysse I am wonder wyse;
I haue sent hym forth to schyte lesynges.
569: Yff 3e haue ony syluer, in happe pure brasse,
570: Take a lytyll powder of Parysch and cast ouer hys face,
571: Ande ewyn in že howll-flyght let hym passe.
Titivillus kan lerne yow many praty thyngys.
573: I trow Mankynde wyll cum ageyn son,
574: Or ellys I fere me ewynsonge wyll be don.
575: Hys bedys xall be trysyde asyde, and žat anon.
&YOGH;e xall a goode sport yf 3e wyll abyde.
577: Mankynde cummyth ageyn, well fare he!
578: I xall answere hym ad omnia quare.
579: Ther xall be sett abroche a clerycall mater.
I hope of hys purpose to sett hym asyde.
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581: Ewynsong hath be in že saynge, I trow, a fayer wyll.
582: I am yrke of yt; yt ys to longe be on myle.
583: Do wey! I wyll no more so oft ouer že chyrche-style.
Be as be may, I xall do anožer.
585: Of labure and preyer, I am nere yrke of both;
586: I wyll no more of yt, thow Mercy be wroth.
587: My hede ys very heuy, I tell yow forsoth.
I xall slepe full my bely and he wore my brožer.
589: Ande euer 3e dyde, for me kepe now yowr sylence.
590: Not a worde, I charge yow, peyn of forty pens.
591: A praty game xall be scheude yow or 3e go hens.
&YOGH;e may here hym snore; he ys sade aslepe.
593: Qwyst! pesse! že Deull ys dede! I xall goo ronde in hys ere.
594: Alasse, Mankynde, alasse! Mercy stown a mere!
595: He ys runn away fro hys master, žer wot no man where;
Moreouer, he stale both a hors and a nete.
597: But 3et I herde sey he brake hys neke as he rode in Fraunce;
598: But I thynke he rydyth on že galouse, to lern for to daunce,
599: Bycause of hys theft, žat ys hys gouernance.
Trust no more on hym, he ys a marryde man.
601: Mekyll sorow wyth ži spade beforn žou hast wrought.
602: Aryse and aske mercy of Neu Gyse, Nowadays, and Nought.
603: Žei cun avyse že for že best; lett žer goode wyll be sought.
Ande ži own wyff brethell, and take že a lemman.
605: Farwell, euerychon! for I haue don my game,
606: For I haue brought Mankynde to myscheff and to schame.
607: Whope who! Mercy hath brokyn hys neke-kycher, avows,
608: Or he hangyth by že neke hye wppon že gallouse.
609: Adew, fayer masters! I wyll hast me to že ale-house
Ande speke wyth New Gyse, Nowadays and Nought
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611: And geett me a lemman wyth a smattrynge face.
612: Make space, for cokkys body sakyrde, make space!
613: A ha! well ouerron! Gode gyff hym ewyll grace!
We were nere Sent Patrykes wey, by hym žat me bought.
615: I was twychyde by že neke; že game was begunne.
616: A grace was, že halter brast asonder: ecce signum!
617: The halff ys abowte my neke; we hade a nere rune!
`Beware,' quod že goodewyff when sche smot of here husbondys hede, `beware!'
619: Myscheff ys a convicte, for he coude hys neke-verse.
620: My body gaff a swynge when I hynge wppon že casse.
621: Alasse, he wyll hange such a lyghly man, and a fers,
For stelynge of an horse, I prey Gode gyf hym care!
623: Do wey žis halter! What deull doth Mankynde here, wyth sorow!
624: Alasse, how my neke ys sore, I make avowe!
625: &YOGH;e be welcom, Neu Gyse! Ser, what chere wyth yow?
626: Well ser, I haue no cause to morn.
627: What was žat abowte yowr neke, so Gode yow amende?
628: In feyth, Sent Audrys holy bende.
629: I haue a lytyll dyshes, as yt plesse Gode to sende,
Wyth a runnynge ryngeworme.
631: Stonde arom, I prey že, brožer myn!
632: I haue laburryde all žis nyght; wen xall we go dyn?
633: A chyrche her besyde xall pay for ale, brede, and wyn.
Lo, here ys stoff wyll serue.
635: Now by že holy Mary, žou art better marchande žen I!
636: Avante, knawys, lett me go by!
I kan not geet and I xulde sterue.
638: Here cummyth a man of armys! Why stonde 3e so styll?
639: Of murder and manslawter I haue my bely-fyll.
640: What, Myscheff, haue 3e ben in presun? And yt be yowr wyll,
Me semyth 3e haue scoryde a peyr of fetters.
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642: I was chenyde by že armys: lo, I haue žem here.
643: The chenys I brast asundyr and kyllyde že jaylere,
644: &YOGH;e, ande hys fayer wyff halsyde in a cornere;
A, how swetly I kyssyde že swete mowth of hers!
646: When I hade do, I was myn ow3n bottler;
647: I brought awey wyth me both dysch and dublere.
648: Here ys anow for me; be of goode chere!
&YOGH;et well fare že new chesance!
650: I aske mercy of New Gyse, Nowadays, and Nought.
651: Onys wyth my spade I remember žat I faught.
652: I wyll make yow amendys yf I hurt yow ought
Or dyde ony grevaunce.
654: What a deull lykyth že to be of žis dysposycyon?
655: I drempt Mercy was hange, žis was my vysyon,
656: Ande žat to yow thre I xulde haue recors and remocyon.
Now I prey yow hertyly of yowr goode wyll.
658: I crye yow mercy of all žat I dyde amysse.
659: I sey, New Gys, Nought, Tytivillus made all žis:
660: As sekyr as Gode ys in hewyn, so yt ys.
661: Stonde wppe on yowr feet! why stonde 3e so styll?
662: Master Myscheff, we wyll yow exort
663: Mankyndys name in yowr bok for to report.
664: I wyll not so; I wyll sett a corte.
Nowadays, mak proclamacyon,
667: Oyyt! Oy3yt! Oyet! All manere of men and comun women
668: To že cort of Myschyff othere cum or sen!
669: Mankynde xall retorn; he ys on of owr men.
670: Nought, cum forth, žou xall be stewerde.
671: Master Myscheff, hys syde gown may be tolde.
672: He may haue a jakett žerof, and mony tolde.
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673: I wyll do for že best, so I haue no colde.
Holde, I prey yow, and take yt wyth yow.
675: Ande let me haue yt ageyn in ony wyse.
676: I promytt yow a fresch jakett after že new gyse.
677: Go and do žat longyth to yowr offyce,
And spare žat 3e mow!
679: Holde, master Myscheff, and rede žis.
680: Here ys blottybus in blottis,
681: Blottorum blottibus istis.
I beschrew yowr erys, a fayer hande!
683: &YOGH;e, yt ys a goode rennynge fyst.
684: Such an hande may not be myst.
685: I xulde haue don better, hade I wyst.
686: Take hede, sers, yt stoude you on hande.
687: Carici tenta generalis
688: In a place žer goode ale ys
689: Anno regni regitalis
Edwardi nullateni
691: On 3estern day in Feuerere--že 3ere passyth fully,
692: As Nought hath wrytyn; here ys owr Tulli,
693: Anno regni regis nulli!
694: What how, Neu Gyse! Žou makyst moche taryynge.
695: Žat jakett xall not be worth a ferthynge.
696: Out of my wey, sers, for drede of fyghtynge!
Lo, here ys a feet tayll, lyght to leppe abowte!
698: Yt ys not schapyn worth a morsell of brede;
699: Ther ys to moche cloth, yt weys as ony lede.
700: I xall goo and mende yt, ellys I wyll lose my hede.
Make space, sers, lett me go owte.
702: Mankynde, cum hethere! God sende yow že gowte!
703: &YOGH;e xall goo to all že goode felouse in že cuntre aboute;
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704: Onto že goodewyff when že goodeman ys owte.
`I wyll,' say 3e.
705: I wyll, ser.
706: There arn but sex dedly synnys, lechery ys non,
707: As yt may be verefyede be ws brethellys euerychon.
708: &YOGH;e xall goo robbe, stell, and kyll, as fast as ye may gon.
`I wyll,' sey 3e.
709: I wyll, ser.
710: On Sundays on že morow erly betyme
711: &YOGH;e xall wyth to že all-house erly to go dyn
712: And forbere masse and matens, owres and prime.
`I wyll,' sey 3e.
713: I wyll, ser.
714: &YOGH;e must haue be yowr syde a longe da pacem,
715: As trew men ryde be že wey for to onbrace žem,
716: Take žer monay, kytt žer throtys, thus ouerface žem.
`I wyll,' sey 3e.
717: I wyll, ser.
718: Here ys a joly jakett! How sey 3e?
719: Yt ys a goode jake of fence for a mannys body.
720: Hay, doog, hay! whoppe whoo! Go yowr wey lyghtly!
&YOGH;e are well made for to ren.
722: Tydyngys, tydyngys! I haue aspyede on!
723: Hens wyth yowr stuff, fast we were gon!
724: I beschrew že last xall com to hys hom.
Dicant OMNES. Amen!
726: What how, Mankynde! Fle žat felyschyppe, I yow prey!
727: I xall speke wyth že anožer tyme, to-morn, or že next day.
728: We xall goo forth together to kepe my faders 3er-day.
A tapster, a tapster! Stow, statt, stow!
730: A myscheff go wyth! here I haue a foull fall.
731: Hens, awey fro me, or I xall beschyte yow all.
732: What how, ostlere, hostlere! Lende ws a football!
Whoppe whow! Anow, anow, anow, anow!
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734: My mynde ys dyspersyde, my body trymmelyth as že aspen leffe.
The terys xuld trekyll down by my chekys, were not yowr reuerrence.
736: Yt were to me solace, že cruell vysytacyon of deth.
Wythout rude behauer I kan not expresse žis inconvenyens.
742: Man onkynde, whereuer žou be! for all žis world was not aprehensyble
To dyscharge žin orygynall offence, thraldam and captyuyte,
744: Tyll Godys own welbelouyde son was obedient and passyble.
Euery droppe of hys bloode was schede to purge žin iniquite.
750: In trust ys treson; ži promes ys not credyble;
Thy peruersyose ingratytude I can not rehers.
752: To God and to all že holy corte of hewyn žou art despectyble,
As a nobyll versyfyer makyth mencyon in žis verse:
754: `Lex et natura, Cristus et omnia jura
755: Damnant ingratum, lugent eum fore natum.'
756: O goode Lady and Možer of mercy, haue pety and compassyon
Of že wrechydnes of Mankynde, žat ys so wanton and so frayll!
758: Lett mercy excede justyce, dere Možer, amytt žis supplycacyon,
Equyte to be leyde onparty and mercy to prevayll.
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760: To sensuall lyvynge ys reprouable, žat ys nowadays,
As be že comprehence of žis mater yt may be specyfyede.
762: New Gyse, Nowadays, Nought wyth žer allectuose ways
They haue pervertyde Mankynde, my swet sun, I haue well espyede.
764: A, wyth žes cursyde caytyfs, and I may, he xall not long indure.
I, Mercy, hys father gostly, wyll procede forth and do my propyrte.
766: Lady, helpe! žis maner of lyuynge ys a detestabull plesure.
Vanitas vanitatum, all ys but a vanyte.
768: Mercy xall neuer be convicte of hys oncurtes condycyon.
Wyth wepynge terys be ny3te and be day I wyll goo and neuer sesse.
770: Xall I not fynde hym? Yes, I hope. Now Gode be my proteccyon!
My predylecte son, where be ye? Mankynde, vbi es?
772: My prepotent fader, when 3e sowpe, sowpe owt yowr messe.
773: &YOGH;e are all to-gloryede in yowr termys; 3e make many a lesse.
774: Wyll 3e here? He cryeth euer `Mankynde, vbi es?'
775: Hic hyc, hic hic, hic hic, hic hic!
776: Žat ys to sey, here, here, here! ny dede in že cryke.
777: Yf 3e wyll haue hym, goo and syke, syke, syke!
Syke not ouerlong, for losynge of yowr mynde!
779: Yf 3e wyll haue Mankynde, how domine, domine, dominus!
780: &YOGH;e must speke to 3e schryue for a cape corpus,
781: Ellys 3e must be fayn to retorn wyth non est inventus.
How sey 3e, ser? My bolte ys schett.
783: I am doynge of my nedyngys; be ware how 3e schott!
784: Fy, fy, fy! I haue fowll arayde my fote.
785: Be wyse for schotynge wyth yowr takyllys, for Gode wott
My fote ys fowly ouerschett.
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787: A parlement, a parlement! Cum forth, Nought, behynde.
788: A cownsell belyue! I am aferde Mercy wyll hym fynde.
789: How sey 3e, and what sey 3e? How xall we do wyth Mankynde?
790: Tysche! a flyes weyng! Wyll 3e do well?
791: He wenyth Mercy were honge for stelyng of a mere.
792: Myscheff, go sey to hym žat Mercy sekyth euerywere.
793: He wyll honge hymselff, I wndyrtake, for fere.
794: I assent žerto; yt ys wyttyly seyde and well.
795: Qwyppe yt in ži cote; anon yt were don.
796: Now Sent Gabryellys modyr saue že cložes of ži schon!
797: All že bokys in že worlde, yf žei hade be wndon,
Kowde not a cownselde ws bett. Hic exit MYSCHEFF
799: How, Mankynde! Cumm and speke wyth Mercy, he is here fast by.
800: A roppe, a rope, a rope! I am not worthy.
801: Anon, anon, anon! I haue yt here redy,
Wyth a tre also žat I haue gett.
803: Holde že tre, Nowadays, Nought! Take hede and be wyse!
804: Lo, Mankynde! do as I do; žis ys ži new gyse.
805: Gyff že roppe just to žy neke; žis ys myn avyse.
806: Helpe žisylff, Nought! Lo, Mercy ys here!
807: He skaryth ws wyth a bales; we may no lengere tary.
808: Qweke, qweke, qweke! Alass, my thrott! I beschrew yow, mary!
809: A, Mercy, Crystys coppyde curse go wyth yow, and Sent Dauy!
Alasse, my wesant! &YOGH;e were sumwhat to nere.
811: Aryse, my precyose redempt son! &YOGH;e be to me full dere.
He ys to tymerouse, me semyth hys vytall spryt doth exspyre.
813: Alasse, I haue be so bestyally dysposyde, I dare not apere.
To se yowr solaycyose face I am not worthy to dysyere.
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815: Yowr crymynose compleynt wondyth my hert as a lance.
Dyspose yowrsylff mekly to aske mercy, and I wyll assent.
817: &YOGH;elde me nethyr golde nor tresure, but yowr humbyll obeysyance,
The voluntary subjeccyon of yowr hert, and I am content.
819: What, aske mercy 3et onys agayn? Alas, yt were a wyle petycyun.
Ewyr to offend and euer to aske mercy, yt ys a puerilite.
821: Yt ys so abhominabyll to rehers my iterat transgrescion,
I am not worthy to hawe mercy be no possibilite.
823: O Mankend, my singler solas, žis is a lamentabyll excuse.
The dolorus terys of my hert, how žei begyn to amownt!
825: O pirssid Jhesu, help žou žis synfull synner to redouce!
Nam hec est mutacio dextre Excelsi; vertit impios et non sunt.
827: Aryse and aske mercy, Mankend, and be associat to me.
Thy deth schall be my hewynesse; alas, tys pety yt schwld be žus.
829: Thy obstinacy wyll exclude the fro že glorius perpetuite.
&YOGH;et for my lofe ope thy lyppys and sey `Miserere mei, Deus!'
831: The egall justyse of God wyll not permytte sych a synfull wrech
To be rewyvyd and restoryd ageyn; yt were impossibyll.
833: The justyce of God wyll as I wyll, as hymsylfe doth precyse:
Nolo mortem peccatoris, inquit, yff he wyll be redusyble.
835: Žan mercy, good Mercy! What ys a man wythowte mercy?
Lytyll ys our parte of paradyse were mercy ne were.
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837: Good Mercy, excuse že ineuytabyll objeccion of my gostly enmy.
The prowerbe seyth `Že trewth tryith že sylfe.' Alas, I hawe mech care.
839: God wyll not make 3ow preuy onto hys last jugement.
Justyce and Equite xall be fortyfyid, I wyll not denye.
841: Trowthe may not so cruelly procede in hys streyt argument
But žat Mercy schall rewle že mater wythowte contrauersye.
843: Aryse now and go wyth me in thys deambulatorye.
Inclyne yowyr capacite; my doctrine ys conuenient.
845: Synne not in hope of mercy; žat ys a cryme notary.
To truste ouermoche in a prince yt ys not expedient.
847: In hope when 3e syn 3e thynke to hawe mercy, be ware of žat awenture.
The good Lord seyd to že lecherus woman of Chanane,
849: The holy gospell ys že awtorite, as we rede in scrypture,
`Vade et jam amplius noli peccare.'
851: Cryst preserwyd žis synfull woman takeyn in awowtry;
He seyde to here žeis wordys, `Go and syn no more.'
853: So to 3ow, go and syn no more. Be ware of weyn confidens of mercy;
Offend not a prince on trust of hys fauour, as I seyd before.
855: Yf 3e fele 3oursylfe trappyd in že snare of your gostly enmy,
Aske mercy anon; be ware of že contynuance.
857: Whyll a wond ys fresch yt ys prowyd curabyll be surgery,
Žat yf yt procede ouyrlong, yt ys cawse of gret grewans.
859: To aske mercy and to hawe, žis ys a lyberall possescion.
Schall žis expedycius petycion euer be alowyd, as 3e hawe insyght?
861: In žis present lyfe mercy ys plente, tyll deth makyth hys dywysion;
But whan 3e be go, vsque ad minimum quadrantem 3e schall rekyn 3our ryght.
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863: Aske mercy and hawe, whyll že body wyth že sowle hath hys annexion;
Yf ye tary tyll your dyscesse, 3e may hap of your desyre to mysse.
865: Be repentant here, trust not že owr of deth; thynke on žis lessun:
`Ecce nunc tempus acceptabile, ecce nunc dies salutis.'
867: All že wertu in že word yf 3e myght comprehend
Your merytys were not premyabyll to že blys abowe,
869: Not to the lest joy of hewyn, of 3our propyr efforte to ascend.
Wyth mercy 3e may; I tell 3ow no fabyll, scrypture doth prowe.
871: O Mercy, my suavius solas and synguler recreatory,
My predilecte spesyall, 3e are worthy to hawe my lowe;
873: For wythowte deserte and menys supplicatorie
&YOGH;e be compacient to my inexcusabyll reprowe.
875: A, yt swemyth my hert to thynk how onwysely I hawe wroght.
Tytiuillus, žat goth invisibele, hyng hys nett before my eye
877: And by hys fantasticall visionys sediciusly sowght,
To New Gyse, Nowadayis, Nowght causyd me to obey.
879: Mankend, 3e were obliuyows of my doctrine monytorye.
I seyd before, Titiuillus wold asay 3ow a bronte.
881: Be ware fro hensforth of hys fablys delusory.
Že prowerbe seyth, `Jacula prestita minus ledunt.'
883: &YOGH;e hawe thre aduersaryis and he ys mayster of hem all: