ENGLISH 201 Reflection Paper FAQs

*What documentation style do you want?

MLA style—if you know somebody who has a Prentice-Hall Reference Guide 5th edition (the handbook for WRIT 101 and WRIT 102), check out pages 316-344 for all the details. Use the model on pp. 341-344 for questions of spacing and layout. Don’t forget a "Works Cited" page as well as including the internal parenthetical references.

*How do I document something from our textbook?

Suppose you want to quote something from Chaucer’s portrait of the Wife of Bath in the General Prologue to the Canterbury Tales. That portrait appears on p. 312 of Vol. I of the Longman Anthology. Your parenthetical reference could read something like this: (Chaucer General Prologue 455-460). Your Works Cited entry should follow form #11 in the Prentice-Hall Reference Guide (p. 326):

Chaucer, Geoffrey. The General Prologue. The Longman Anthology of English Literature vol. 1A. Ed. David Damrosch. NY: Longman, 2003. 302-320.

*Where do the periods go relative to the parentheses for internal citations?

Outside the parenthesis mark if the quotation is part of the paragraph.

Inside the parenthesis mark if it is an indented "block" quotation of more than four lines. (see p. 290 of the Prentice-Hall Reference Guide for when to "block" a quotation).

* Do I put titles of works in quotation marks or do I underline/italicize them?

Individual poems (e.g. "Sonnet 73") go in quotation marks. Longer works and standalone works (e.g. The Miller’s Tale, Paradise Lost) get underlined/italicized.

*How do I quote lines of poetry or plays in my paper?

Look at chapter 31 in the Prentice-Hall Reference Guide. It says, "When you quote a single line of poetry, write it like other short quotations. Two lines of poetry can be run in as part of your text with a slash mark to indicate the end of the first line. Leave a space before and after the slash. If the quotation is three lines or longer, set it off like a longer quotation" (183).

So here are some examples.

Sidney mocks the concept of sprezzatura when he compares writing poetry to being a pregnant

woman whose labor is not proceeding: "Thus great with child to speak, and helpless in my throes,

/ Biting my trewand pen, beating my self for spite" (Astrophil and Stella 1: 12-13).


Prospero tells Miranda and Ferdinand that everything they have seen was counterfeited:

                                        These our actors,

        As I foretold you, were all spirits and

        Are melted into air, into thin air:

        And like the baseless fabric of this vision,

        The cloud-capped towers, the gorgeous palaces,

        The solemn temples, the great globe itself,

        Yea, all which it inherit, shall dissolve,

        And like this insubstantial pageant faded,

        Leave not a rack behind. (Tempest 4. 1. 148-156)

*Do I need to put in a reference for our class notes?

Only if you are quoting directly or paraphrasing from the notes on the class web page; then you can cite it internally as (Nov. 1 notes). If you need help with MLA citations for web sources, the Writing Center home page has a good handout for you: http://www.winthrop.edu/wcenter/handoutsnew.htm  (as well as a good handout on MLA documentation).

*I’ve never used www.turnitin.com before. Help!

Find a tutorial at http://www.winthrop.edu/dacus/About/studentTIIinstructions.htm .  You need to set up your own private account (or open an existing one) and then submit your paper to our class account. Our class ID # is 1168509 and our class password is chaucer. There are two buttons on the right of the turnitin website: "New to Turnitin?" and "Training Materials" that provide a lot of help to new users. You can e-mail me if you have questions and I’ll try to help, but please check these out first.