Gloria Jones Office Hours: MW 10-11,

Fall 2005 R 9:30-11:00

Banc 246 Email:

X 4573

ENGL 501 Modern British Poetry

TR 5:00-6:15 Banc 267

Text: Keith Tuma—Anthology of Twentieth-Century British & Irish Poetry

Harmon and Holman—A Handbook to Literature (8th or 9th edition)


Identify literary influences on modern British poetry.

Recognize themes explored in 20th century poetry world-wide.

Evaluate the changing canon of 20th century British poetry.

Recognize similarities in style as well as themes.

Create connections among and between British and Irish poets.


You must come to class prepared. Preparation means more than simply reading over the assigned poems. I expect you to read, process, analyze, make observations, and make connections. You should learn to "gloss" your reading: make notes, formulate questions, draw connections.

Each student will write five 300-500 word essays on any five poets (or a specific poem) we read this semester.

We will have a mid-term and a final.

Each student will write one 8-12 page critical essay for this class. The paper should be carefully researched, clearly written, and suitable for presentation at a scholarly conference. The paper should be written in MLA format.

Depending on class preparation and participation, I reserve the right to give unannounced quizzes.

Graduate students will read an additional 20th century British poet and make a critical presentation to the class. NOTE: This presentation should include information of biographical importance on the poet, primary focus of work, place among and connections to other British poets whom we have studied or will study.


Attendance in this class is very important. Since discussion will be a major component of the learning experience, you will need to be present to reap the benefits. Consequently, I will allow no more than four absences in this class. I also expect you be to on time. Two tardies will count as one absence.



Plagiarism Policy

Academic dishonesty will not be tolerated. If you do not know how to summarize, paraphrase, or use direct quotes, please refer to the Correct Use of Borrowed Information located on the department’s web page If you have additional questions, please ask for guidance.

Late Paper Policy

I will accept late papers, but they will be penalized a letter grade a day. No paper more than two weeks late will be accepted.

Cell Phones

Please turn off your cell phone during class. I know many of you have children or other responsibilities that require you to be "on call." Please set your phone on "vibrate," and quietly leave the room if you have an emergency.


Undergraduates Graduates

Short Papers 25% Short Papers 20%

Mid-Term 20% Mid-Term 20%

Critical Paper 25% Critical Paper 20%

Final Exam 20% Final Exam 20%

Participation 10% Participation &

Presentation 20%