Political Science 202
State Worksheet
Due Feb. 1, 2018
This information is available either through class notes, the textbook, the
National Conference of State Legislatures (ncsl.org) or through your state’s
Website. Failure to submit this assignment will result in a deduction of one
increment from your final course grade (e.g., A to A-).
What is the partisan composition of your state’s legislature?
Senate _____ #D _____ #R _____#Other
House/Assembly _____ #D _____ #R _____ #Other
Based on the length of its session, would your state’s legislature be
characterized as citizen, professional, or hybrid?
Other than the Governor and Lieutenant Governor, how are statewide officials
(such as the Attorney General) chosen?
How are judges and the justices of your state’s Supreme Court chosen?
Does your state require photo ID to vote?
Browse the Websites of the state government and the major media organizations in
your state (such as the daily newspaper in the state capital or largest city).
What issues are particularly prominent in your state this year?