Political Science 201-003, Final Exam Review Outline, Fall 2017

Civil Liberties and Civil Rights

                First Amendment: what does it cover?

                Establishment clause and free exercise clause (meaning of each)

                “No preference” doctrine and “wall of separation” doctrine

                Cases (these will be multiple choice questions, match the case to the decision)

                                Barnette v. West Virginia

                                Engel v. Vitale

                                Lemon v. Kurtzman

                                Wisconsin v. Yoder

                                Lee v. Weisman

                                San Diego Independent School District v. Doe

                                Adler v. Duval County School Board

                                Herdahl v. Pontotoc  County Board of Education

                                Lynch v. Donnelly

                                Employment Division v. Smith

                                Locke v. Davey

                                Burwell v. Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc.

                Freedom of speech: what restrictions are there on it?

                Cases (again, multiple choice)

                                Schenck v. U.S.

                                Roth v. U.S.

                                Memoirs v. Massachusetts

                                Miller v. California

                                Ashcroft v. Free Speech Coalition

                                R.A.V. v. City of St. Paul

                                New York Times Company v. Sullivan

                                Hustler Magazine v. Falwell

                Second Amendment: what restrictions are there on it?

                Due Process of Law: definition and components                              

                                Fourth Amendment

                                Fifth Amendment

                                Sixth Amendment

                                Seventh Amendment

                                Eighth Amendment

                                Mapp v. Ohio

                                Miranda v. Arizona

                                Gideon v. Wainwright

                Ninth Amendment: unenumerated (implied) rights

                Right to privacy

                                Griswold v. Connecticut

                                Roe v. Wade

                Tenth Amendment

                Thirteenth Amendment

                Fourteenth Amendment

Equal protection of the laws

Rights of citizenship

Brown v. Board of Education

Swann v. Charlotte-Mecklenburg Board of Education

                Fifteenth Amendment

                Civil Rights Act of 1964

                Voting Rights Act of 1965

                Affirmative action

                                Bakke v. Regents of University of California

                                Gratz v. Bollinger

                                Grutter v. Bollinger

                                Fisher v. University of Texas

                Discrimination on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, disability

                                Title IX

                                Rehabilitation Act of 1973

                                Individuals with Disabilities Education Act

                                Americans with Disabilities Act

                                Lawrence v. Texas

                                Obergefell v. Hodges                     

Political Parties, Campaigns, Elections, Voting and Money

                History of the two-party system

                Why we have two and only two major parties at a time

                Realignment and dealignment

                Primaries and caucuses

                How the Electoral College affects Presidential campaign strategy

                Components of the contemporary party coalitions

                Factors that determine your likelihood of voting

                Gender gap

                Why the parties are weaker now than historically

                Voter mobilization

                Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission (2010)

Public Opinion, The Media, Interest Groups

                Political socialization (definition and agents of socialization)

                Ideology (definition and types)

                Random sampling

                Margin of error/sampling error

                Tracking poll

                Exit poll

                What do Welch and her co-authors argue are the real and perceived biases of the media?

                Public interest group vs. private interest group

                Exclusive benefits vs. non-exclusive benefits

                Interest group organization, activity and tactics

                “Free rider” problem

State and Local Government


                How the federal government influences policy in matters of state jurisdiction

                How the states differ, bases for comparison

                Intergovernmental relations

                Full Faith and Credit Clause

Economic and Environmental Policy

                Revenues, expenditures, budget surplus and deficit

                Mandatory and discretionary spending

                Fiscal policy and monetary policy (what each does, and what’s the difference)

                Federal Reserve Board

                Effect of interest rates on inflation and unemployment

                Appropriations process

                Annual deficit and national debt

                Keynesian economics

                Supply-side economics

                Progressive and regressive taxation

                Conflict between economic growth and environmental protection

                Cost-benefit analysis

Social Security and Welfare Policy

                History of the Social Security system

                What is the difference between an entitlement program and a means-tested program?

                How Social Security is paid for, the long-term problems facing it, and potential solutions

                Conflicting views of the causes of poverty in the United States

                Social safety net (definition and examples)

                Types of welfare programs

                Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC)

                Temporary Aid to Needy Families (TANF)

What were the problems with AFDC that led to its replacement with TANF? How do these programs differ in the way they are funded and administered? What are some remaining problems that TANF has failed to adequately address?

                What is the fastest-growing category of social welfare spending, and why?

                Earned Income Tax Credit

Health Care Policy



Which populations are served by each of these programs, and how are they funded and administered?

                Impact on society of millions of people having no health insurance

                Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010

                Alternatives to private health insurance as it exists in the US