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Dr. Cheryl Fortner-Wood
Courses I
currently teach include:
Developmental Psychology (PSYC
206, Fall & Spring)
Advanced Child Development
(PSYC 411, Fall)
McNair Research Experience (MCNR 300,
Graduate Application Preparation
(MCNR 302, Fall)
To make an appointment with Dr. FW, please visit

Information on Careers in
Developmental Psychology.

Contact Information
- Dr. F-W's Office Telephone
- Winthrop McNair: 803-323-2125
- Psychology Department FAX
- Postal addresses
- Department of Psychology, Winthrop University,
134 Kinard Hall, Rock Hill, SC 29733
- Winthrop McNair Scholars Program, WInthrop
University, 104 Dinkins Hall, Rock Hill, SC 29733
- Electronic mail
*A note about letters of reference: If you would like Dr.
Fortner-Wood to write a letter of reference for you, please follow the
advice on this webpage.
Some of My Favorite Websites
Professional Organizations
See Also
Information on Child Development Research, Theory,
and Practice
Information for Parents and Children
Games and Activities for Children
Information for Parents of Children with Special Needss