Setting Up a New Student Turnitin Account




CLASS ID­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­__________________


CLASS ENROLLMENT PASSWORD­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­_____________________


1.     Go to the Dacus Library webpage:

2.     In the middle of the screen is “Turnitin”.  Click here.

3.      Please read the “Guidelines for Students” since you are a first time Turnitin user.

4.     Click on the “Go to Turnitin now.”  link at the bottom of the guidelines.

5.     Click “Create Account” under the Email box in the upper right hand corner.

6.     In the bottom left of the page, in the “Create a New Account” section you will be asked your user type.  Click “student”.

7.     You should see the “Create a New Student Account” page.

8.     You will:

a.      be asked for the class ID and password provided by your instructor

b.     need to supply your name

c.      need to supply your Winthrop email address

d.     create a password

e.      create a secret question

f.      respond to the user agreement

9.     Once you have completed these steps, you have a Turnitin account AND you are enrolled in one this specific class.  You can use your Turnitin account to enroll in any of your other classes.