Romanticism/Emotion/Sentimentality                  Realism/Practicality


Love at first sight (3.5.82);                         "sell while you can, you are not for

Cupid at 4.2-205-6                                       all markets" (3.5.35ff.)


Conventional lover:  disheveled                    Young women marry older men: 

at 3.2.364ff.                                                    April & December at 4.1.140ff.


Lust: 3.3.88ff &    4.1.68                              Women turn into shrews when they

                                                                      marry & turn their own faults into



Dying for love at 4.1.89ff.                             Nobody dies for love; in fact, you

                                                                        have to stick around and put up with

                                                                        a person for years.