Discussion Questions on Dr. Faustus for Day Two

ENGL 203

Dr.  Fike


1.  What is Faustus saying in his opening speech?

2.  What is the order of events?

3.  What is the role of delight and/or of habit in Faustus’s damnation?

4.  What warnings does Faustus receive?

5.  How is Faustus cheated?  What point follows?

6.  How do Faustus’s achievements measure up to his intentions?  What points follow?

7.  Why did Marlowe include Wagner, Robin, and Dick?  Is the middle of the play irrelevant?

8.  Why does Marlowe include all the allusions to Helen of Troy?

9.  What is up with Faustus’s weird comment on page 897/397?