Marguerite Doman, PhD
Associate Professor of Computer Science
Department of Computer Science and Quantitative Methods
College of Business Administration
Contact Information
Thurmond Bldg - Room 518
Winthrop University
Rock Hill, SC 29733
phone: 803-323-2692
fax : 803-323-3960
skype: marguerite.doman
email: domanm at
Fall 2017
CSCI 101 - Introduction to Computers and Information Processing
CSCI 208 - Introduction to Computers Science II
CSCI411 - Operating Systems
Past Courses
CSCI 101 - Introduction to Computers and Information Processing
CSCI 466 - Networking
CSCI 411 - Operating Systems
CSCI208 - Introduction to Computers Science II
CSCI 670 - Principles of Information Technology